Mr. FX

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Lars Fixerton was born on the first of November 2018. His parents were poor and abusive towards him. He was barely home, being on the streets. He didn't have problems socially, but was very bad at reading people. He made friends in the darker alleyways when he got in his later teen years. The wrong type of friends. Lars got into the drugs industry because of those friends, his parents couldn't care less about whatever their son is doing.

Years go by, it's now summer of 2036, Lars is 17 and heavily invested in the industry. He already witnessed some of his so called friends die because of the dealing. He still goes to school and it's near the end of the year. Lars walks home from high school with his hood up. Later in the day he would go back to dealing and earing money that way, but that would change very soon. He gets to the door of his house and is about to open it when he hears a car coming. The 17 year old looks around so see a black van coming down the street towards his house. The brown haired guy gets down behind his parents car as the black van stops at his house. The sliding door of the van opens showing a mounted minigun which shoots up the car and the small house of the Fixertons. The amount of shots makes the car explode, hurting Lars badly. He can barely get his phone out to call 911, the operator on the other side of the call tries to keep Lars awake, but he passes out because of the pain and damage caused to his body, the last thing he saw was the shattered glass of his house.

It's now 2 days later, there was a very long surgery, 20 hours total to keep him alive and repair his heavily damaged body. His left arm and leg have been replaced by prosthetics, the left side of his body has been band aided and the back and most of the left side of his head has been made robotic, including his left eye which did not function that good in that time. Lars slowly opens his eyes, already creeped out at his weird sight, knowing something bad happened. His speech however, is completely fine, and the first words he speaks are "What happened? Where am I?". A doctor walks over to him "You're in the hospital, been unconscious for 2 days". The young guy looks shocked, still having trouble with his robotic eye, then he notices both of the prosthetics. He looks at the doctor and asks "What happened to me?". "A car explosion, you lost your left limbs and got major burns and small replacements for parts of your skull", doctor Levels responds. Lars tries to sit up but can't because of the intense pain he feels in almost every part of the left side of his body. "You need to heal up, anyone we can call for you?", Mr. Levels asks while looking at the young dude. Lars tries to get his robotic eye to look normally but it doesn't work so he closes it, just looking with his normal brown eye at the doctor "My parents won't care and my friends are probably busy, is my phone here?". Levels picks up the phone the paramedics got from the scene and gives it to him "It's in a surprisingly good condition". "Yeah, I knew buying a strong case would pay off one day", he responses with a slight chuckle as he takes the phone.

Lars unlocks it seeing he didn't have any messages "Can I have some privacy?". Doctor Levels nods "Do you want me to help you to make a call? Using prosthetics for the first time is quite hard for most people". "I can do that with one hand", Lars replies, he says as he goes to his contacts just using his right hand, then scrolls to his friend's name Xander. He presses the call and puts his phone on his right ear as he looks at the doctor. Mr. Levels just nods and walks out of the room closing the door behind him. Since what happened to him is quite bad, he has a room for his own. Mainly the robotic eye is an experimental, so they want to keep a good eye on him using it.

Xander picks up the call "Hey mate where the hell have you been and what the hell happened at your house?!". "Slow down man, I'm at the hospital", Lars replies. "The hospital?! Tell me what happened and we'll get whoever it did back!", Lars' friend says with confidence. Lars looks around making sure no one is there before responding "I fear it's our boss, it was a black van with a minigun who shot up the car and the house". "What the hell did you even do to get him that angry?!", Xander asks his friend. "I have no clue, but it might've put me in a better position to take revenge", the brown haired guy replies. Xander sighs at his friend's response, the last time he said that one of their other friends got murdered "What are you talking about? I don't want to suffer the same fate as Peter". "Prosthetics, left arm, leg and eye", Lars replies. "Man you really have to tell me what happened", Xander says. Lars looks at himself before talking "The car exploded severely wounding the left of my body, everything feels weird but I'll train with my prosthetics, come to the hospital after class so we can talk". "Alright, see you then", Xander says just before hanging up. Lars puts the phone down and opens his left eye again, trying to concentrate on it hoping it'll help. Luckily it does, and he can see with both eyes again, yet it still feels weird.

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