Flora and Will (1)

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Chapter 1

**Flora's POV**

Nobility. A proud and 'noble' title. Praised above all others. Class, grace, elegance, charm, all the things that go along with being nobility. This title, this life . . . weighs down upon my slender shoulders like a massive boulder.

People fight for the things they want in life, and leave out the rest. I just so happened to be born into all the things I don't want in life. All the things I can't escape (Especially all the awkward social gatherings, and the even more awkward suitors who attended).

I don't want to complain about my life, I am extremely fortunate! My life has been set up so that I will go without 'wanting'. But the truth of the matter is that there is so much more to life then this! More then this life style can offer.

I want to ride a horse, actually ride a horse! NOT side-saddle.

I want to scale the palace walls.

I want to catch a glimpse of a meteor shower in the midst of battle.

I want to become a pirate!

All the things I've read about in my precious novels. My imagination always gets the better of me. The unmistakable tightening of my corset brings me back to reality.

"One of these days my lungs are going to collapse if you keep up like you do!" I yelped at Berta while she pulled the last string tight, with no mercy.

"Oh hush Flora! Your father requests an audience with you at breakfast. Since you usually don't attend 'cause you sleep in almost past noon he made it clear to me that you are to be fully clothed and ready!" I groaned, but just left it at that.

There's no use fighting with Berta. She always wins. Berta's the closest thing I have to a friend. Thought she's only 2 years older then me, she's far wiser. She's the only person in the world that I look up to. My praises even put her above my father. Though I didn't think much of him, so that really isn't saying much.

Once she finished pining up my hair, leaving some of the dark curls down to frame my face, she lead me down the long corridor to the dining hall. The halls were decorated in lavish hues of red and purple tapestry. The festival of St. Valentino is coming up, it seems all of Florence has flocked to the castle. Almost all the guest bedrooms are taken, and with the extra servants, some of them have to sleep in the kitchen on the floor.

We turn the corner, and are enveloped by the grandness of the dining hall. I catch sight of my father at the head of the table, wearing his royal blue velvet robes and his signature scowl.

He senses my presences and rises from his seat, causing crumbs to fall from his lap to the floor. I curtsy, and take my seat at the opposite end of our grand 20ft long table.

I never understood why I have to sit at the opposite end as my father. What if we want to have a private discussion? If I wish to make casual conversation, I have to yell across the room.

"My beautiful daughter! How nice of you to join us!" My father remarked.

"I would not have joined you if not for the request . . . your highness." I said using my uncanny ability to make the words 'Your Highness' sound like poison in my mouth. Noble women are never allowed to speak their minds on any matter, it is not proper. My father flinched at my remark. The noble guests and servants in the dining hall grew silent and fixated on us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2012 ⏰

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