Chapter 11: Lunch

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I walked into the Great Hall with Harry and Ron. They sat at Gryffindor table with Fred and George. But I didn't pay attention. I was looking for Draco.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Ron asked already taking a bite of chicken.

"Yeah, I just need to talk to someone first." I looked over to Slytherin table. Aha! There he is! His blonde hair just barely peaking out of the sea of green and black.

I walked over. I can feel the eyes of everyone on me. Draco looked up and when he saw me, he whispered something to Goyle, making the boy scoot over. I sat down next to Draco. I could see the small smile on his face.


"Hey. Um Y/n, that's Blaise, Theodore, and Pansy." Draco said pointing to three people sitting across from us.

"Hi." The two boys waved and smiled. But Pansy just sneered at me. Actually the entire Slytherin table was giving me dirty looks.

I guess Ron and Harry were right. Slytherins really are mean. But I'll just keep on smiling. Pretend I don't notice anything.

They're going to have to deal with me, whether or not they like it.

"So you wanted to know what happened with my sorting?" I turned to Draco. At least he was nice to me.

"Yeah, you said it was complicated." Draco said while taking a bite from a bread roll.

"Well that's because I'm actually sorted into all of the houses."

Draco looked at me with a really confused look on his face. "But how is that possible? It's never been heard of before. And how are you supposed to be in all four houses at once? Change houses every day?"

"Well according to the hat, I'm more "powerful" than the founders themselves. And I switch houses every week of every month. First Ravenclaw, then Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and lastly Gryffindor. Then it starts over again the next month."

It was quiet. I just realized that the entire table was quiet and listening while I talked. Then the whole table just broke out into whispers and scowls pointed towards me.

"That's amazing. I guess it makes sense for you. So, we get you before Gryffindor?" Draco gave me a sly smile.

Was the rivalry that crazy between the two houses? That's funny. Fighting for people.

"Yeah, you do." I giggled a little.

"Brilliant." Draco's face broke out into a wide grin. I could see out of the corner of my eye, Pansy giving me a murderous glare.

"Well, I got to go. But see you in History of Magic?" I started standing up.

"Yeah. See you then." I got up and walked away. As I was making my way to Ravenclaw table, I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me down to sit on the edge of Gryffindor table. I looked up and saw George. I don't know how I knew it was him. He could very well be Fred. But there was something telling me that it was George.

"What was that about? Going over to Slytherin table,-" George started.

"Was pretty ballsy. We were worried they were going to attack you." Fred finished.

"I just went over to talk to Draco."

"Draco. That slimy little gi- sorry Y/n." Ron started but stopped immediately after seeing the warning look I was giving him.

"What did he want to know?" George asked.

"Well George, if you must know, he wanted to know what happened last night during my sorting. You can ask Harry and Ron for the details. I'm done explaining today." If I had to explain it one more time-

Fred and George looked at me confused and shocked when I guessed that it was George who asked. Guess I was right after all.

"They already told us about it. That's really amazing though. Too bad we get you last," Fred pouted, "we're going to have to postpone the pranks we had planned to do with you."

"Why don't you ask me to do the pranks with you guys?" Ron was a bit upset.

"Eh" the twins shrugged. Harry and I had a hard time trying not to laugh for the sake of Ron's feelings. The twins were ruthless.

"Anyways, I'm going to go. I'll see you guys soon." I waved to the boys as I finally made my way back to the rest of the Ravenclaws. I can eat now! I sat next to Mandy and grabbed a plate of food. The group seemed to be happy and calm. That's good. I still have no idea what exactly happened in the hall, but I'm glad it's over. I don't want to deal with that kind of drama with my own house on the first day.

"So Y/n, why do you seem to be friends with Draco Malfoy?" Lisa just asked out of no where. "It's just that we all know that he is a pureblood and that his family doesn't really like anyone who isn't pureblood. And well you are a Muggle-born after all."

The entire group was just starring at me. Waiting for me to answer. Truth is, I don't know either. I guess they're right though. He is supposed to hate me. But instead he's nice to me, friends with me. "I don't know. We just are. I don't know what his reasons are."

It was silent. The group just continued to look at me. They looked like they were trying to find reasons for my strange friendship with Draco.

"Oh, I know. C'mon guys. Think. It only makes sense." Terry finally said and was looking around the group for confirmation. Then they just nodded and mumbled stuff like "oh yeah" and "of course". Then they just all went back to their conversations before.

I don't know what Terry was talking about. But I have a feeling it's similar to what they were talking about in the hall. I don't want to try to ask. Harry said I'll understand someday. But I can't seem to think about anything else. I wonder what exactly they are all talking about. I hate not knowing.



So this chapter is short. It's more of a filler chapter.

But I'm really excited for the next couple of chapters.

Hope you enjoyed! <3

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