Suddenly Joseph Messina and Lisa Lisa ran into the entrance hall through the opening in the broken wall.

"This destruction." Joseph observed. "It was Wamuu's Divine Sandstorm! And Caesar and Y/N, they were his victim." Joseph assumed seeing the red colored bubble floating in the air, shining in the sunlight. "A bubble....could it be...NO!" The brunette reached out to it. "It is Caesar's bandana!" He exclaimed. "And a ring! Wamuu's lip ring!" He grabbed the bubble as a burst of energy was released from within, flowing into Joseph's body. "This Hamon energy! ARGH!!!"

Suddenly the bubble burst as he held Caesar's headband in his hands, his legs gave out. "I have not called out Y/N's or Caesar's name since I set foot in this place." Joseph whispered falling to his knees. "I was scared. I was afraid that if I cried out his name there would be no response....Horrible resounding silence.....I was too afraid....I could not accept it....I could not call out to them....But now" He clenched his hands. "Just moments ago Caesar must have died here." Joseph was close to tears until he was interrupted by an oh so familiar voice.

"We are not dead yet Joseph dear even though it was a bit too close for my liking." You spoke up behind a rubble of stone shocking everyone as Joseph and Lisa Lisa rushed over to a rubble of stone Caesar and you hid behind.

"Y/N Caesar!!" Lisa Lisa cried out hugging you, seeing the unconscious Caesar in your lap. "You are alive!" She let her tears fall down her face.

"Caesar you bastard. You were a show off till the end." Joseph stated relieved. "Leaving behind a gift like this for me. Caesar why did you." Joseph sobbed overwhelmed by his emotions. "And Y/N why did you not call out for us earlier!"

"Calm down Joseph." You laughed. "We are still in enemy territory, I was not sure if it was you when you first stepped in here, so I had to wait to make sure. Caesar here will most likely wake up in a day or two, it depends..."You observed the sleeping Italian.

"So how is he... how is his condition...?" Lisa Lisa inquired carefully.

"I was able to save his life...however like his grandfather he won't be able to use his Hamon ability anymore. So he is completely defenseless, he probably will regain his body control in a week but knowing Caesar he will do it only in a few days." You stated sadly.

"I understand..."Lisa Lisa mumbled regret coating her dark blue eyes.

"Look at the trail of blood...."Messina pointed out. "Caesar must have delivered significant damage to Wamuu. We are still in enemy territory we are left with two options, to continue our mission or to retreat."

You sighed deeply standing up to carry Caesar's body in your arms. "Retreat is no option." You stated grimly. "Joseph, please take the antidote then we will follow them deeper in the hotel or moreover...." You looked at Caesar's peaceful expression. "....the three of us will. Messina, I beg you take Caesar back to the hotel and make a phone call to Speedwagon on my behalf. Furthermore you have some medical knowledge right?" You questioned him.

"Yes I do, but...." Messina tried to protest but Lisa Lisa beat him to it.

"Please Messina this is the wisest choice, we cannot endanger Caesar since he is left utterly defenseless, Y/N cannot go with him since she is our strongest fighter and neither I nor Jojo have any medical knowledge, we could do nothing to help Caesar, at least I only know how to treat open wounds but you know more...."

"Alright. Leave him to me. Good luck!" Messina said slowly taking Caesar from your arms and made his way out of the hotel.

The last one standing A Jojo's bizarre adventure fanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora