Special Chapter - Wildcard

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...that would be a better ending, isn't it? If all three of them ended up together. Kung na-in love rin si Redemption kay Kaizon. Kuwentong pambata, parating may masayang konklusyon ang happily ever after.

Iyon rin ang ginusto ko para sa kwento nilang tatlo.

Ngunit ang realidad, ang tunay na realidad, ay masalimuot, hindi mapagpatawad, at bulag.

Everything about Kaizon and his feelings behind his actions are real. Ang unang parte ng kuwento ay tunay na realidad. Hindi rin ako nakigulo sa bandang gitna, but the rest, some of it, I just made up.

“Huwag kang maweweirduhan, Alekxus.”

“What is it, my Redemption?”

“I dreamt…I ended up being with Kaizon.”

“What?! Hindi mo ako pinili?”

“No! What I mean to say is…pinili ko kayong dalawa.”

“I can’t…my Redemption, panag-inip nga lang 'yan.”

“But it feels so real.”


“It can’t be real. Kaizon is never in the picture. Tayo na lang dalawa ngayon, my Redemption, and we’re going to live normally and this restaurant business will be a success.”

What is real?

“Y-Yeah, that’s impossible to happen anyway. Kaizon is one of the worst human beings we know.”

I never went to meet her in this reality. I never helped explain the complicated man that is Kaizon Oleander.

“I'm glad we’re free of him, my Redemption.”

“Ako rin, Alekxus, ako rin.”

It feels like a dream

Because it is a dream

At ang kanilang realidad, on Kaizon's part mostly, ay bangungot. Redemption Hood has two mates, but she failed to see the other one, the more complex one, and so, she only ended up with one.

In this reality.

It’s a lie that dreams won’t hurt.

Dreams are one of the most painful events that could happen to you, especially when you wake up from a good dream only to realize it is just a dream and it is not true.

It is not real.

Then you will be left empty except for the impossible what ifs.

Dreams hurt.

They hurt the most.

Dreams make you hope for no one, for nothing. Dreams…they lie.

And yet, we dream anyway, because we crave for what we can never have. I prefer nightmares over dreams, at least, with my nightmares, I never wished to stay.

Masaya siguro kung may isang makapangyarihang tao, katulad ng leader ng Science Faction, ang in love sa kagaya ko. Zerfes Faye is like a knight, a complex man too, and he’s a bit like me.

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