Jonathan x Reader (Fluffyz)

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I walk to the library when strong mighty arms wrap around my shoulders and a big kiss is planted on my cheek, I blush and look up to see the lovable Jonathan.

I say "What's this?" he replies with a big smile and a blush "I just love you so much Y/n!" he rubs his cheek against mine.

George Joestar coughs into his fist and says "Jonathan, do you think that's appropriate" I speak up and say with my fingers in Jonathan's blue hair, "Sir, I think it's alright, he's adorable after all" George says "That's sweet of you to say of my son but that's not what I'm concern about in future" he pinches his nose and closing his eyes.

I stutter "U-uh! T-that's!" Jonathan stares at his father in confusion, I lead Jonathan away and say "I assure you that won't happen!"


I kiss Jonathan's face all over and he giggles holding my face in his hands, he chuckles "Stop! That tickles!" I stop and hug him tightly, he plays with my hair until a deadly chuckle erupts the moment in the library.

Dio shows himself from around the bookshelf and says "Well well, if it isn't the lovebirds, it's a pity I thought a girl like you would go for a guy like me".

I give him a glare and take the back of Jonathan's head, Jonathan asks innocently "Y/n?" I gently place my lips on his, he blushes and his eyes are closed twitching ever so slightly.

Dio's eyes widen and he scoffs storming off. I lock lips with Jonathan again and when I pull away he laughs nervously and says "W-wow, I'm not sure I'm ready to go further than this Y/n" I reply "We don't have to, I'm just showing Dio not to mess with us".

We snuggle against eachother and read a book happily.

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