Fast Foward 2 hours

I took a shower and did all my hygiene stuff before India got here, cause I had to look presentable for my guest. I have a rich bitch attitude so I gotta look like one too.

Maybe I did look a little too much but I was also planning on going to the club with them and I didn't feel like changing

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Maybe I did look a little too much but I was also planning on going to the club with them and I didn't feel like changing

India was calling me..

"open your door" and then she hung up, I went downstairs to open the door for them

"ugly whore, why you aint knock¨ 

"cause knocking is for poor people, and im not one of those people"


I saw Durk and Von walking to my door

"oh come in yall"

They all came in and I walked them to the living room. India gave me a hug and durk and von went to go sit on the couch

"ouuu bitch i missed you so muchh, you look and smell great" india said smiling

"girl if you dont stop sniffing me" I laughed at her

I sat down on a separate couch and India sat next to durk

"okayyyyyyyy, well this is Durk and Von. Durk..Von this is Ta-" India introduced us

"MHMM" I cleared my throat, because why she giving out my government like that.

"I mean, Royal T. Shes a rapper but right now she lookin for a manager" India corrected

"coo coo, how long you been rapping" Durk asked me

"like 2 years, I just dropped my g-mix and its gon viral"

"you did the tear it down remix, shit was fye" von said

"thank you"I said calmly but deep down I was doing my lil dancey dancey and cheesin hard asf

"you got some other music" von asked

"its not out yet but I got some saved, my computer in my room"

"ight lets go" he said gettin up

"uh me and india got to go to the club right now you gon be good here" durk asked, I guess he was thinkin i was gonna use him or kill him or sum

"india you trust her right" von asked her

"yea, and we've known each other fa 4 years, cmon bae" India said pushing him out the door, I hope she don't think some finna happen bc I just want a friend here. Plus he my favorite rapper.

"ight bro"

We went upstairs and went to my room. He sat down on my bed, while I got my computer

"who the hell told you to sit on my bed"

"i did"

"yea yea"

"ight so how you got into music"

"After I lost my father and my mo- this lady that cared for me  got on drugs. I needed something"

"why don't you call her your mom"

"cause ion fw ha, you hear fa my music or my biography?"

"ight let me hear it"

I let him hear 1730G and Diss How You Coming, because those were my freestyles and the only two songs I wanted him to hear

"These go hard asf, you a hood joint huh?" he said laughing

"yea I guess you can say that" I laughed wit him

Von: "who featured on it?"

"My friend Mari"

"drop it" he said gettin serious

"watchu say? I don't even think people gon like my shit" 

"I fuck wit it gang, but I know you can go harder. You wanna be a rapper, you gotta take some chances. You wrote it?"

"Nah I freestyle my shit, I think its more harder when you do. imma do it, lemme upload it real quick" I said smiling, Im a lil nervous but if this blows up like I think it will. Im really gon be a rapper

"coo coo, ight I gotta go to the club. you comin wit me" 

"yea hol on, lemme get my purse"


Yall fuckin with this🤔😀?

Thoughts on Tashera/Royal T?

Her name is 'Royalty' but its just spelled that way because her dad used to say she was Royalty and her name is Tashera.

1201 Words

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