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last day of summer comes, and it's time for joo seok kyung to come home. a lot happened in a year. she cut her hair, she and lee suho are on the same flight.

"welcome back ms. seok kyung." their family driver helps her put her bags in the trunk. "how's seok hoon?" she asks him. "he's very excited to see you." the driver opens the door for her and closes it shut. "and father?" she leans into the car window, looking outside. "nothing new."

during the drive, she could only think about is one particular boy. the cat-eyed boy who'd gently hold her and dance with her until they get tired. the boy who she hates. the boy who she likes.


she runs into her twin's arms. "i'm sorry, seok hoon. i missed you so much." the boy smiles, "your hair looks pretty. i'm so sorry, seok kyung." they hug. "help me with my bags." they head upstairs to catch up.

"how was school without me?" seok kyung asks, putting her folded clothes in her closet. "lonely. how about you?" seok hoon helps her by handing the clothes to her. "lonely too. ah right, i met suho there, and he'll be attending cheong ah."

"uh, how are you and ro na?" she hesitantly asks. "we broke up, and she moved schools." seok hoon answers with a sad smile. "i'm sorry. i was selfish. all i thought about was myself." seok kyung answers. "it's okay, seok kyung. we weren't meant to be anyways." the twins exchange sad smiles. "lee suho, that bastard. really, how dare he? what about you, how are you and him?" the girl looks at her older brother with furrowed eyebrows.

"you know, han seo jun." the younger chuckles, "there were never something anyways." she continues folding clothes and putting in her closet. "it's been a year, seok kyung. it's been three years after what happened with lee suho." seok kyung freezes. "i'm just scared. and i've been through a lot because of seo jun too, right?" the boy nods, "and don't you hate him?"

"i did. but i realized that he was the only one to actually make you happy. but then, a lot happened. and it all went wrong." seok kyung chuckles, "it's okay, seok hoon. there are still plenty out there." her brother sighs and holds her hand. "i'll always be here, okay? i will never abandon you."


first day of being a senior comes, seok kyung drags herself out of bed to wash up. she looks at herself in the mirror as she fixes the red ribbon on her collar. once she's satisfied with how she looks, she starts fixing her bag. putting some books, pens, notebooks. 

when the twins leave their house, they see lee suho waiting outside. "seok kyung. joo seok hoon." the older twin doesn't respond and just looks at him. suho clears his throat, "i figured we should go together." seok kyung just nods and walking first, followed by seok hoon who only tears his glare away from the other when he starts walking.


seok kyung enters the classroom, immediately meeting eyes with the boy she couldn't stop thinking about for a whole year. han seo jun's smiling face is quickly changed with a dark expression when a boy he doesn't know sits next to seok kyung, and talks to her like they're close friends. he leans back into his desk and sighs when he sees the boy whispering into the girl's ear.

"looks like someone got your pretty girl first, lover boy." min hyuk teases the cat-eyed boy and laughing. but after seeing seo jun's displeased face, he shuts up quickly.  "who's he?" seo jun asks seok hoon who's sitting beside him. the twin signals him to come close and whispers something in his ear, "lee suho. seok kyung's first boyfriend who cheated on her, and now acts like nothing happened."

seo jun's disgusted and annoyed face can be seen right after he moves away from the other boy. "that's my pretty girl." he whispers to himself. he grips his notebook tight when suho starts twisting the girl's hair. "this bastard. how dare he?" he whispers to himself again. he couldn't take it anymore and throws a pen at the back of the girl's head which makes her turn around. "joo seok kyung."

the girl freezes, and the cat-eyed boy pats the seat next to him. when she doesn't move, seo jun puts his hands together, mouthing the word "please". seok kyung rolls her eyes and excuses herself to suho. "what?" she plops herself down, seo jun smiles and pulls the seat closer to him. "who is he? are you cheating on me?" he sarcastically says, causing for seok kyung to hit him on the arm.

"ow, i was just kidding. anyways, how are you? you look pretty. i think i like your short hair more." seo jun gives her a grin. "fine." seok kyung answers shortly that makes the boy whine. "ah, why are you so cold to me? i can feel my heart breaking." he puts his hand on his chest. seok kyung makes an annoyed face. the boy purses his lips in embarrassment.


"seok kyung. should we get something to eat?" suho speaks as he and seok kyung are walking at the front of the school. seok kyung's about to answer until a hand grabs hers. "sorry, i'm taking my pretty girl first. bye!" seo jun runs with the girl who's beyond confused. "han seo jun, where are we going?"

"where else? you already know." seo jun smiles and puts a helmet on her head. seok kyung breathes heavily when her arms go around the boy's waist for the first time again after a long time. "i missed you." seo jun speaks. "me too." seok kyung thinks to herself.

they arrive at seo jun's secret place, their secret place. nothing's really changed, except for the bigger mattress laying on the floor. seok kyung closes her eyes when a familiar song plays through the loud speaker. she hears the boy's footsteps coming closer to her. she feels his hand on her waist again, and his other hand holding hers and holding it slightly up. just like how he always did.

they hear the opening line of the song and they start swaying. seok kyung's breath hitches, and she starts to shake.

line without a hook | han seo jun x joo seok kyungWhere stories live. Discover now