Arriving x Beginning

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Gon arrived some time later, with Kurapika and Leorio who stood at his sides like two bodyguards.

-Hey Killua, there is another kid like us!- I pointed, trying to make him a bit interested, but he just shrugged, starting to complain how the other people seemed far too weak and how bored he was.

Damn you, Killua! Can't you see I'm trying to make you and Gon friends???

-Come on, jump up.- I heard my companion ask, and I turned towards him:-what?- then I looked at his feet and I saw the skateboard.

-Wrap your arms around me, it will be a long run.- and there I wondered if he too could have seen the future, but it was impossible!

-Judging our surroundings, we can only run trough the gallery, most likely there will be every kind of trap down the tunnels.- he explained, and I took a breath, then I awkwardly stepped on the board, doing as Killua previously asked, blushing a lot doing so.

As Satotsu arrived and explained what the first trial was, Killua started to go forward and I needed to tight my arms around his torso for not falling, increasing my blush the same amount.

-Hey! That's cheating!!- I heard Leorio scream:-You kids, stop being the couple of the year and run like all the rest!!- Killua looked at him in a mix of boredom and anger, I was ready to tell Leorio it wasn't cheating but Gon was already telling him that:-And we are not a couple!-I added, as killua stopped the board for letting me down.

-my name is Gon, and yours?- asked us the youngest, while I was having a mental conflict if hug him to death or not.

-I'm Killua and this weakling girly-girl is [Name]...- then I snapped awake from my mental conflict and started to hug Gon screaming that he was too cute to be true, while the others were looking at me as I was gone mad.

-W-what are you doing [Name]?- I hear Killua ask, while I'm snuggling at Gon and his cuteness.
-uh? Aah! I'm sorry!- I wake from my fangirling.
-It doesn't matter [Name], I'm happy that you like me!-Said Gon, nice as ever, and I started to hug him again.
-Guys, we should start running again, people are going to leave us behind!- Warned Kurapika, making me leave Gon and starting to run again in panic.

-have you met Tonpa already?- asked us the black haired kid, while I was trying to keep up their fast pace:-yes... you shouldn't trust him, he is a traitor!- and then I explained then the "Anime" situation just like I told killua,
-Remember to never trust Tompa's evil plans for making you argue, or you will fail the exam!- I said with my arse voice, then I remembered that in my backpack I had some water...

But killua has it... and he is so far, and so fast...

As he heard my toughs, I looked at the boy slow down his pace and starting to run at my side:-are you ok [name]?- I blushed at his caring attitude, then I reached for my backpack but he just signed me to stop trying as he took out the water for me, never stopping to run:-here... you are thirsty, right?- I nodded, taking the bottle from his hands and starting drinking with long sips, then I asked Gon, Kurapika and Leorio if they needed some too, but before I could give them the drink, Killua stole that from my hands and drank the whole bottle, leaving nothing.

-That poisoned juice really made me thirsty...- he said while I looked at him very mad. He shuddered at the angry feeling of my false Ren then he reached for my second bottle, and trowed that to the new friends, whispering something to Kurapika and Gon about something indirect that they couldn't steal from him.


We soon arrived where the second part of the first phase was held, and I knew that I had to stay away from Hisoka or I could have had some cards accidentally hitting me, but at the same time, i got the feeling that the magician didn't want me dead still.
-I'm the true examiner!-Said the monkey, I tried to explain the others that Satotsu was the only true examiner of this phase, but they didn't listened to me, so I just came to Hisoka pissed, card in the head or not, I want this illusion to finish soon.

-Hey [Name]-Chan! What are you doing here?-asked me Hisoka surprised that I came to him for something instead of just asking killua or my other new friends.

-Can you stop all this commotion? Is getting boring and I know you want to kill that monkey too.- Hisoka smiled evilly at me, and I just smirked back as I demanded him to kill another person:-Can you target for a bit number 16? He is really a pain, pretty pretty pleaaase???-I asked making the sweetest and cutest face I could muster, but Hisoka just snickered at me saying:-Sorry [name]-Chan, he is not worth it.- I scuffed, and waving at hisoka I came back to killua, Gon and the others as he threw his deadly cards.

-Why were you talking to that creepy magician?- asked me Killua when I came back.
-Because I won't be angry if his hands gets dirty, and there are some things that pissed me off.-
-You could have just asked me and that monkey would have been dead in no time!-
-but I don't want you to become a killer!!-
-I am already a killer!! One more one less, it makes no difference.-
I cringed:-Do you really think so low about yourself? I tough that you wanted to live as a normal boy...-
-I want to... but you are more important, so next time don't go asking someone else for a killing when you have me here! Or else...- I heard him murmur something more, but I couldn't muster to understand the words.
-I don't want you to get your hands bloody for me...-I said to him, tears starting to show at the corner of my eyes.
-but Killing is the only thing I know how to do right...- he answered, then he took my hand in his:-I don't want to kill anymore- he said, sad:-But if it's for you, I can do it.- but then I toke the lead of the conversation:-I don't want it! Don't you understand this?-

I don't want you to be burdened by killing anymore. Especially if it's because of me.

-I don't want you to kill again just for my own pleasure, because it wouldn't be what i want!- i said seriously:-Because I lo-

-The second part of the exam will begin now, please follow me!- Satostu interrupted me and we began to run again towards nowhere.


Author Note:
What did Reader wanted to say? Will someone ask me to kill Satstsu after his interruption? What will happen in the second part of the firts phase of the Hunter exam? this, that, and also more in the next chapter~

I noticed that if i add a picture, the chapter has more feedback, is just a coincidence?

Love u people!

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