Chapter 2 - New Friends :)

Start from the beginning

At the end of class, I was packing up while Tyler waited for me.

"Hey do you want to sit with me at lunch today? I could introduce you to my other friends." Hailey said as she smiled at me.

"Yeah sure. Can my brother come? We kind of go where the other goes." I nervously laughed as I held my books in my arms and walked out with them.

Hailey nodded then looked at Tyler. "Hi I'm Hailey."

"Tyler." He smiled.


"Ready for art Sky?"

I smiled up at Tyler then nodded with excitement.

"Well you two must love art if you're that excited for it. You'll love the teacher. He's really fun and laid back. Also much easier to talk to than most teachers."

I smiled at Hailey. We walked inside the art classroom. There weren't many students there. Hailey led us to one of the tables in the back and sat next to a boy with golden brown hair and brown eyes. He looked up at us once we sat down.

"Hey guys I want you to meet Hayden."

Hayden smiled at me then nodded his head at Tyler.

"H-hi. I'm Skyler and this is my brother Tyler." I smiled back at him.

"Hey. So you guys new here?"

"Yup. Just moved here 2 weeks ago." Tyler said as he sat down next t Hayden. I sat in-between Tyler and Hailey.

Hailey and I started to get to know each other while Tyler and Hayden talked to each other. After 5 minutes, the teacher walked in.

"Goooood morning class!" He said as he smiled. He looked at everyone and when his eyes landed on me and Tyler, his smile got brighter.

"Looks like we have two new students! Why don't you introduce yourselves and tell us a hobby of your's."

I smiled back at him then stood up along with Tyler.

"Hi I'm Skyler Valdez and I guess one of my hobbies is skateboarding with my brother." I nervously looked around the room at everyone then looked at Tyler.

"Hi I'm Tyler Valdez and I like skateboarding with my sister. We like the same things." He laughed then sat down with me.

The teacher, Mr. Wilson, gently smiled then said "Welcome to Advanced Art Valdez twins. You might just be my one and only favorite twins." I nervously chuckled then smiled at him. He seemed really nice like Hailey said.

We got started on a project where we had to draw a portrait of someone we look up to. I decided to draw Tyler since I've always looked up to him.

The bell rang for our next class.

"Hey guys what's your next class?"

"We both got Advanced Math 3 next." I told Hailey.

"Sweet! So does Hayden. Well, I'll see you three at lunch!" She smiled at us then walked away. I walked behind the two guys while they talked.

Once we got to class, it was almost full. The teacher looked at me and Tyler then smiled. All the teachers here seemed really nice. I just might enjoy this year.

"Welcome to Advanced Math 3. Are you two new?"

Me and Tyler nodded at him.

"Alright there should be two empty desks in the middle. What's your names?"

"My name is Tyler Valdez and this is my sister Skyler."

Once again, he smiled at us. "Well I'm Mr. O'Ryan. Nice to meet you both. Go ahead and sit down. We just started a new lesson last week so you two should be able to catch up." We both nodded then went and sat down in the middle. Of course the desks were right next to each other.

I looked at Tyler then smiled. He smiled back then got out his notebook. I did the same. All of a sudden, I felt someone's eyes on me. I looked around and found someone in the back corner looking at me. He had very noticeable eyes. They were blue. His hair was a dark brown and had a little wave to it. He was looking at my eyes. I felt a little insecure at the moment so I turned back around and hid my face with my hair.

Once class was over, I quickly got up and told Tyler to meet me outside the bathrooms. He smiled then nodded at me. I quickly walked to the bathroom then locked myself in one of the stalls. I tried calming my breathing down. I couldn't have another panic attack. Not now. Not in school. I don't know what brought on the attack.

Once I calmed myself down, I walked out of the stall and washed my hands. When I looked up at the mirror, I saw a broken girl who couldn't be fixed. I quickly looked away from the mirror then walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey you okay Sky?" I looked up at Tyler then gave him a warm smile.

"Yeah. I'm all good. Let's go to our next class."

As we walked to class, I felt the feeling of being watched again. I looked around and saw the boy from Math again. He was leaning against the lockers with a few other guys around and there was a girl hanging on his arm. He wasn't saying any attention to her though. He was looking right at me.

My eyes widened. I got panicky again so I looked away and caught up with Tyler.

I don't know why he was staring at me so I just decided to forget about it. I don't want any trouble this year. I just want to enjoy my last two years of high school. Can't be too much to ask, right?


A/N ~ Ughhhhhhhhh!!!! I'm sorry if that was a bad chapter. I'm really trying here.

The next update will be soon! Not too soon because I have school (online school and it sucks!!!!) and lately my teachers have been giving out a lot of homework.

Give me some pointers or advice please! I'm in dire need of it. :(

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