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ok guys i am so sorry that i havent updated in a week. i just procrastinate way too much. im back though and im going to talk about different crackships.

and if anyone doesnt know what a crackship is, its just a ship that is highly ridiculous, bizarre, disturbing, and/or unlikely to ever become canon. The characters don't have any chemistry, never interact, are in different canons or timelines, are different species, one is an inanimate object, etc (i copied this straight off the internet)

im sorry for anyone who ships some of these and i dont i hope i dont come across rude or anything,

anyways the ones im gonna bring up isnt that crazy im just gonna say if i ship or dip sorry for this long intro lets get into it


I ship this one so much but it hurts because I know for a fact they will never happen </3 ughh it sucks. I don't have much to say about this ship but the bright scene is what got me.                       

do you guys ship or dip?


Please don't hate me but I don't ship them- im sorry I actually don't know why maybe if someone can persuade me maybe I would but I just don't ship them. In the real show though I like Reylnn fanfics.                                                                                                                                                                

do you guys ship or dip?


I don't ship them in the actual show. In fanfics I can read any ship I have no problem but in the real show no. I feel like Reggie and Julie are just family that's my opinion though but I love Jeggie fanfics.                                                                                                                                                                         

do you guys ship or dip?


You guys gonna hate me for this one- but i ship sksksusudgsdjdj sorry not sorry but no seriously. That would be a funny storyline but it wouldn't work though. Like imagine if Luke didn't know Carrie's dad was bobby and then Carrie said she had a new boyfriend and Luke popped up. The thing is it would never make sense in the real show so yeah thats that.                                                      

do you guys ship or dip?


I'll tell you when i first heard of this ship I was like why??? But then I saw a tik tok that convinced me (shoutout to kamilla) after that video i was convinced that Carrie likes Julie. Some people think they used to date I don't really think so but i like the idea of it.                                                             

  do you guys ship or dip?


I personally don't ship but not because i don't like Nick or something its because I don't even think Julie liked Nick. Well I think she liked him... well its hard to explain imma talk about it later. I feel Nick deserves someone who actually likes him. Well what about you guys                               

 do you guys ship or dip?


At first I only shipped Carrie and Flynn because they gave me enemies vibes so I thought they would immediately get together but then I started shipping jarrie so I stopped shipping them for some reason. Now I ship them again because I have strong feeling that Flynn liked or likes Carrie.                                                                                                                                                                                    

do you guys ship or dip?

honestly these are all of the crackships i can think of atm. if there's any crackships you guys have in mind that i didn't list please tell me so i can make a pt 2

okay thats it im sorry its not much

i hope you guys are doing well and staying safe

 everyone have a safe day/night luv yall <3


badbishanonymous ;)

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