Chapter Eight - June

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"Nice to meet you, Mr. DeYoung," you said, smiling and shaking his hand. 

"Please, Doctor, call me June." He returned your smile, one side turned up more than the other. Up close, he was cute, you admitted to yourself. His eyes were a light hazel, and his soft-yet-angular face was dusted with freckles. There was nothing against crushing on your coworkers, you thought. Besides, nothing was better than a little crush to get over Andie and to get rid of those feelings you had been having around Ocean. 

"Then you can call me Y/N." 

The two of you got to know each other as you took Ocean's breakfast tray up to his room. As it turns out, you hadn't been paying attention to many people since you began working at Forrest Psychiatric Hospital, seeing as June had mentioned bumping into you around the hospital. June was the same age as you, twenty-two, and you both liked the same music. When you asked about hobbies, June told you that he sells pottery on the side, and that sometimes his work makes it to smaller art exhibits.

"I could teach you," he offered.

"Really? That would be amazing," you beamed. "But since you're so famous, I'm sure lessons are out of my budget."

He laughed breathily. "You're pretty famous around here yourself. For a fellow celeb, they're free."

When you reached the room in-between the hallway and Ocean's room, you paused, turning to June. To your relief, he mentioned that he was only staying outside unless you needed him, and you nodded, going inside alone. 

Ocean was sitting on his bed, cross-legged with his arms limp in his lap. He perked up when he saw you, grinning cheerfully at you. 

"Hi, Y/N," he chirped. "I missed you."

You sat down next to him and smiled back. Dr. Monroe was right, you thought. Ocean was getting a little too attached. "How did you sleep?"

 "I slept really good because you were with me. You should stay more often."

You felt yourself flush in embarrassment. Looking down, you changed the subject.

"Um, someone's going to be coming with us outside for the next few days, okay?"

He frowned. "Why?"

"They just want to know what we're doing is all," you said, technically telling the truth. "It's only for a couple of days."

"Okay," he agreed, a little on edge. You ran a hand through his hair to reassure him. There was nothing unprofessional about that, right? You were now reconsidering every interaction you had with Ocean. It seemed to work, but when you were opening the door, he saw June in the other room and growled in disapproval.

"What's wrong, Ocean?" 

"Is he coming with us?" he whispered.

"I know you don't like it, but it'll be okay. Just remember I'm here."

You put a hand on his, and he nodded slowly. As you closed the door behind the two of you, June offered to take the tray for you, but you declined. 

"Ocean, this is June. Be nice to him, okay?" 

Ocean nodded again reluctantly, but kept a stern gaze on June. You knew that only weeks ago he wouldn't have hesitated to attack June, but all he did now was grip the back of your sweater. You felt pride swell inside of you. He was doing much better.

As soon as you had set down the tray, Ocean reached for your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. June gave you an odd look, but didn't question it. After all, he had been at the hospital long enough to know not to do anything that might provoke Ocean. 

When you reached the greenhouse, you went over to check on the pots. They were exactly as you had left them. Currently, your main focus was cleaning the greenhouse, so that there would be more space for the rest of the unpotted seeds. It was a little awkward, with Ocean constantly glaring over at June, but you tried to act as you normally would. 

Not wanting June to feel out of place, you asked, "Hey, June, do you mind getting the broom from that corner?"

"Sure," he answered and headed towards where you had pointed. 

Ocean promptly put down the watering can he was holding. He furrowed his brows, asking out of earshot of June, "Why didn't you ask me, Y/N?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Ocean," you blurted quietly. You wanted to explain to him, but June was already walking over to you. He handed you the old-fashioned broom, made of straw and wood bound together, and your fingertips brushed.

"Thanks," you smiled at him, barely noticing the contact. But Ocean did.

You began to sweep away the small piles of dead leaves to reveal the worn cement floor. You jumped as you felt a pair of arms lock around your waist. You looked over your shoulder to see Ocean, staring intensely at you. 

"Ocean, you can't..." you pressed your lips together, not wanting to hurt his feelings. "You can't keep hugging me so much, okay?"

"What? Why?" he asked, beginning to panic slightly. "Is it because of him? Do you not love me anymore?"

You frowned, not knowing what to do. You needed a way to clear things up gently. "Ocean, you know I care about you. It's just, I'm your doctor. I can't love you in the way that-"

"Yes, you're my doctor, Y/N. And you said your love was mine. Did- did you lie to me?"

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