
Comenzar desde el principio

🌿flashback of truth🌿

the morning in GYMZ MANSION was full of loud shouts and threats.being
the youngest in family , gulf was baby of family . though spoil by all
but his three elders spoil him lot. everyday the three reach their
school late only due to gulf who was not ready to get up early. in
this quarrel they finally step in university life . gulf and zhan join
the university and yibo mew was going to say goodbye to university and
all started from university .
yibo and mew were graduating in business studies because they had to
takeover family business as tradition . Zhan followed them by opting
computer studies as optional . but gulf was a dreamy boy who believe
to follow the dream so he decided to opt fine arts for his graduation
. it was the class of painting sculpture which ruined all forever
which couldn’t be mend easily. blue sky with yellow sun and black sky
with white moon and crystal stars moron whenever they remember the
it was first day of university and all were ready but there was one
person who promised not to get up early the great gulf. yibo after
breakfast followed by Zhan mew was waiting anxiously for gulf .
Finally yibo shouted “gulf Watson get up or I will drag you to
university”. But he was gulf who was sleeping quietly with plugs in
ear. Seeing yibo in anger mew said “if you are getting late, I ll come
with gulf.” “Mew how can you miss its important lecture.no need to
wait for him. We should leave” yibo said . “it’s okay . I’m not in
mood. Goodbye. See you in university. “Mew said and ran towards gulf
room. Zhan who was silent spectator I this drama shake yibo arm. And
yibo was back in senses “strange. Let’s go” with Zhan yibo drove to
as mew entered in room, saw gulf sleeping quietly under duvet
peacefully away from the shouts of world. Mew with smile take out his
mobile and save the sleeping beauty in his camera. Seeing sleepy gulf
was favorite hobby of mew. Though heart was forcing to cross all
limits and cage the beauty of heart but mind warn him to take steps
with time. after capturing gulf in his eyes beside camera,softly shake
shoulder of gulf who whine like baby on removing the cotton plug  “
you whining make my heart my traitor” mew mumbled. mew cleared his throat and ruffled the hair “ get up Mr. handsome we are already late
for university. if you will get late tehn how will you impress all.
“mew challenged . on listening mew gulf opened his eyes “ I don’t
think such human ever exist who will not impress from me . I want to
impress. Someone who impress the great Gulf Watson Pruk. I know no one
exist so I am not going to university.goodnight .”gufl again tried to sleep but was stopped by me     “ get up I am late due to you so be
quick. yibo always stop me not to favor you . I think I should listen
him now”. mew was ready to play emotionally . on listening mew , gulf
with anger on face left bed quickly and went to change . as door of
washroom was locked , mew slightly touched the bed of gulf and left
room . wait for gulf who in ten minutes was ready. mew found it better
to stay silent and drive silently to university and dropped gulf in
front of his department. without any goodbye gulf left car and mew
with smile drove to his department . first orientation was over and
the class was going intopaint room . all were busy in seeing the class
and commenting according to their sense when a voice attracted all
towards itself “ when I entered in paint class first day my teacher
instructed us to enter in class quietly , stay silent as long as you
are with paints or with earth & stone busy in sculpture , because
silence helps you and your partner which is paint stones earth to
understand eachother and as result in creation of master pieces. am I
right mr white shirt”. teacher ended and asked gulf who was liatening
teacher attentively . gulf nodded like he is under spell. “ welcome to
class of paint sculpture. I am your guide in this journey SONG JOONKI,
on listening name gulf mumbled “ songjoonki you won my heart”.


support my new work and old work fuels me to write for you .

list of my new stories
❤sorry i am late
❤tame by innocent l9ce
❤hubby from journey
❤vamp pursuing the heart

Old stories on tharntype
❤be diamond in my ring
❤lust leads to love
❤types diary

other stories
❤vulture hawk(saintzee)
❤chance to heartyou(saint zee)
❤perfect heart imperfect love(veemark)
❤why i u just we(exo got7)
❤spring whisper (poem book)


to be continued
thankyou for following reading
i m grateful
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🎄love my forced husband🎄 🎄mewgulf/tharntype🐢complete🎄 by🎄 k.bunny🎄Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora