Chapter 23: He Himself Is Deceiving

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Chapter 23: He Himself Is Deceiving

Sarah's POV:

About half way to Jared's Pack house, the sun began to set. We all decided to camp out again, but this time we caught a few deer and rabbit on the way. We all ate good, and now there's only few people still awake. This includes Marcus, Jared, and I.

I'm sitting down, leaning agains't a tree, fiddling with my knife. It was one Mom gave me. The handle is wooden and it has feathers engraved on it. The blade still has it's luster and is about five inches long.

Marcus and Jared are still eating. Not surprising.

I apologized to Adam for snapping at him, he didn't take it to offence and apologized as well. I lean my head back on the fairly wide tree and close my eyes. The night air is cool, but not cold. It's just perfect. The fire is the only thing that is giving out light, the moon and stars are hidden by the clouds.

If this were a regular camping trip this would be nice, but it isn't. I hear Jared coming but I still don't move. He sits beside me and say's, "I still don't like Marcus. No offence by the way."

I scoff at this and lean my head back up, turning to look at him, "Don't worry. I'm not fond of him either."

"Because he's different." He reply's. What sounded like it was meant to be a question, was more like a statement.

"I'm not the only one who can feel it, huh?" I ask.

He shakes his head and looks at Marcus, who happens to be conversing with another Pack member. A woman. A Mated woman.

Her Mate had died in the fire. She doesn't look too comfortable either. He then put's his hand on her hip and gets closer.

"He has more respect for women than that." I growl out. He puts his other hand on her opposite hip and grabs her bottom, causing her to jump and grimace. I stand up and Jared does as well.

"Don't interfere." I growl out and make my way to Marcus.

"No promises." Jared mumbles from behind me.

I grab Marcus's shoulder and turn him around.

"I'm busy." He say's, trying to turn around. I grab him again and tell the girl, "Go." She gratefully does so and runs to her sister. I don't even know what to say. So, to express how pi**ed I am at him, I pull my arm back and slap him.

His head whips to the left and there is a red mark on his face. I know have the Pack's attention, staring from a distance.

"Something is wrong with you. You have more respect- wait, you had more respect for women than that. Her Mate died in that fire. You know that!" I growl lowly. He growls and looks me dead in the eye.

That's not Marcus.

"Well Maybe if Dad hadn't exposed us then none of this would have happened. If Mom hadn't f***ed up none of this would have happened. If it weren't for you and Jared this wouldn't have happened!" He growls.

Something snaps. I pull my fist back and hit him as hard as I can. He fly's backwards and hits a tree. I pull him up and hit him again, but he doesn't do anything, he just lets me.

"Because of Dad, your a** is alive!" I hit him again, "Because on Mom, you're not f***ed up! She kept us alive!" He earns another, "Because of you, this Pack is falling!" I hit him again.

I stare at him for a minute, "Marcus would never say that." His nose is now bloody, some of it dripping from his eye and lip.

"You're right. He wouldn't." He growls. His eyes turn a glowing burnt orange. Jared pulls a knife and I'm about to take it, but "Marcus" say's something to stop me.

"If you kill me, you kill Marcus." He claims, a satisfied smirk on his face.

"What are you talking about?" I ask as my patients slip away.

"I'm Marcus alright, but he isn't in control. I'm a Wolf, I guess you could say he's possessed. And don't try to rid me. If you cast me away, he'll die. He's too weak. You don't know what he's been through." He reply's, I stare for a minute and he continues, "He passed out from smoke inhailation. He was vulnerable, so I took the chance. But not only that, he was beat up pretty bad by a few Wolves that were passing by. Hell, he's fallen off a cliff."

"I'm not sure I believe you." I reply.

He nods downward, "Feel his ribs."

Jared grabs him and holds his arms behind his back. I put my hand on his chest and gently push down, only to feel a pop beneath my fingers. I quickly pull away and hold my hand with the other.

"I told you... He can see you, you know. He can feel what I feel, hear what I hear." He claims, making me feel guilty for hitting him. His voice is different. Higher, but not in a feminine way. The glint that he holds in his eyes wasn't there before. His appearance is the same, but he himself is different. It's deceiving.

I look at Jared, who is still behind whoever this is. He isn't my brother, that's for sure. Jared shrugs his shoulders and visibly tightens his grip.

"What's your name?" I ask. Ideas are swarming through my head. Plans that won't work. I need something, anything, to get Marcus back.

"Diesel." He reply's. What irritates me is he reply's like we're having a casual conversation. I have no idea what to do. Aside from let him stay until Marcus heals.

I let out a sigh and tell Jared, "Bind his wrists and don't let him out of sight... Oh, and Diesel, keep your mind-link shut."

I put my hand on his forehead and he groans. Any Alpha or Luna can close a Wolves link as long as they're in that Alpha or Luna's Pack. Technically speaking, Diesel is in the Pack. Now I know how the West has been finding us. As long as Diesel doesn't get away, we should be fine. I can't believe this.

I have a Rouge in my Pack. Then again, aren't we all Rouges?

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