After a while, the conversation shifted. Hermione worried about the amount of reading she had to do before her internship at the Ministry of Magic started, and you snorted. "They don't expect you to know everything about the job beforehand, y'know?"

"Well, good impressions are important," she replied.

During the whole afternoon, the topic of your future plans didn't come up. Your friends sensed your apprehension regarding that particular topic. After the utter debacle that was your exams, you tried to forget that you were supposed to have an idea of what to do with your life in just about two weeks. You still waited on a letter from the Ministry, waited for the news that your plan had worked out. That you could become an auror, a dream you had since you could think. Yet, you screwed up and you weren't sure if your performance in the final exams was enough to get you a placement. Thankfully, your parents were still too wound up in the whole drama Alissa brought with her. They didn't even ask how your exams went and you weren't mad. The importance of exams paled in comparison to the prospect of a life sentence in Azkaban.

A bee buzzed close to your ear and you opened your eyes again.


One week before graduation ...

"You look horrible, darling."

You rolled your eyes when Theo appeared by your side. You were on your way to the Great Hall, earlier than usual in an attempt to study a few more minutes in the library before your first class. "Thank you, Theodore. Just what a woman wants to hear before breakfast."

He snickered. "Apologies." Then he held his hands out, motioning you to give him some of the books in your arms to help you carry them.

"Accepted," you said and gave him the whole pile of books instead. He groaned and you chuckled at him. "How are you then?", you asked.

"Relieved about the fact that school is almost over." He dodged a first year student who ran past him and one books slid dangerously close to the edge of the pile. You were surprised by how many students were already awake.

"Any plans for what comes after?"

"Yes," he nodded. "Travel."

You looked at him in surprise. "Travel?"

"Blaise and I are going to travel around Europe for a few months," he explained. "I need to get out of the country where everyone knows me as 'that Death Eaters kid' and Blaise is simply loaded with money and doesn't want to work." The two of you laughed at the last statement. "And afterwards ..." Theo shrugged. "I don't know yet."

"That sounds nice," you sighed. "When will you leave?"

"After Draco's wed-" He stopped midsentence. "Ah, shit."

You bit your tongue. Actually bit it. "It's official then," you said softly. "I haven't seen the announcement yet."

Theo stopped. You had almost reached the Great Hall. The Slytherin looked at you with sympathy. "It'll come out today." He lowered his voice: "I'm sorry, Y/N."

You avoided his gaze. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

Theodore stayed quiet until you resumed your walk. "For what it's worth, he doesn't love her," he finally said. The statement hurt even more.

"What a fucking mess we made."

Theo nodded. He didn't say anything else. When you walked into the Great Hall, he handed you the books back and softly squeezed your arm before mumbling: "I'm really sorry."

He had been right – the Daily Prophet printed the announcement of the wedding on that same day. Yet, when an owl dropped the paper onto your plate, you were oddly calm. You lowered the glass of orange juice carefully and rolled up the newspaper. Their picture was on the front page.

Choose Me Instead II Draco Malfoy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now