Livin the Hard/easy life

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Yani's POV
We were so close. Then Stefon walked by. I saw him with a teddy bear and some chocolate in his hands.
(It was near Valentine's Day)
I was guessing they were for me. But not for long. I quickly pulled away from Ray, but it was too late.
"How could you do this Aiyana" he said heartbroken. He threw the teddy bear in the trash and threw the chocolate on the ground and stomped on it. I turned around to Ray but he had already left
"Uggggghhhh, SHIT!!!"
Danny's POV
As I was walking to math I saw prince and decided to talk to him. He was talking to prodigy. I tapped his shoulder. As he turned around prod walked away. "Yes?" He said. I stood there like a stiff robot. "I.....wha...wo...yo..." I was a bumbling fool. "Anyway I gotta get to Ms. Whites room."he replied. I finally got the courage to say something. "That's my math class too!" "Cool we can walk together then" he said as he put his arm around me. I felt so happy as I watched all the guys and girls get jealous. It was the moment of a lifetime.
Vauni's POV
I was on my phone texting Yani telling her it would be ok. When I all of a sudden went crashing into someone. It was prodigy! As we fell our lips touched. I immediately got off him and helped him up. "I'm .. So so so so so..." I was stopped by another kiss. This time I dint let go for quite a while. After that we were just walking to math class when he asked me a question. " Do want to be my Valentine for the Valentine's Day dance?" "Yesssss" I screamed. We walked into the classroom with our hands interlocked.

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