Chapter thirty one

Start from the beginning

I gave him a kiss and walked back to my friends.

'Did you just kiss him?' Lily asked

'Yeah. We had a summer sex thing.' i said

'With Jones?' Sirius asked

'No. With Will. He's not like her. Or anyone else in his family. He's actually nice. And he's gonna help us.' i said

'Great. Then why didn't you tell him?' Sirius asked

'I can't just tell him. Give me some time. I'll manage this whole thing. She won't try anything anyways. Not as long as he's here.' i said

'Alright.' Lily said


I can't remember much from last night. I just know i woke up in Katie's dorm. She took care of me. She cares about me. I just don't get why she has to act like i mean nothing to her? I can't believe Jones is such a bitch. I only slept with her to get back at Katie. But Jones would do everything to get to James. And i let her closer.
And Dumbledore won't do anything about any of this. She drugged me. Yet she only gets detention.



Will, will help me. He's nicer. Pretty much the only nice one in that family. He'll hate to know what his little sister did. And he will make her pay. Make her a better person. I just need to find a good way of telling him all this.

Hey Will

Meet me at the astronomy tower in 10 minutes. See you.

Love baby doll

I sent him a letter and went up to the astronomy tower to wait for him.

'Baby doll?' he asked smirking

'That's what you used to call me.' i said

'Yeah. It is. You missed me so much?' he asked getting closer to me

'That's not why i called you here. We need to talk about your sister.' i said

He sat down next to me.

'Tony? What did she do?' he asked

'She... She drugged someone... A friend of mine.'
'I know you're a better person than her and i know you love her. You want her to be more like you. She drugged someone. She tried to break two people apart. Only cause she wants to have someone, she can't have.' i said

'Why didn't you go to the Ministry?' he asked

'Because i had a few drinks, when she drugged my friend. My friend was drinking too. It was outside school And it would only be my word against hers.' i said

'So you want me to.... What? Make something up? Make her turn herself in?' he asked

'Would you? I mean would you even help me? She's your sister.' i said

'I don't want her to go to Azkaban. But i also don't want her to kill people in the future. And that's what's gonna happen if i do nothing. She would become a murderer. I don't want that.' he said

'She would get three years for drugging someone. After that she could either be a better person or worse.' i said

'I think Azkaban makes you worse.' he said

'She needs to get punished. I know your father will do everything to keep her out anyways. So she might only get one year and some work. She wouldn't be allowed to finish school.' i said

'Yeah. Did she got expelled?' he asked

'No. Wasn't on school property and Dumbledore can't afford to lose your father by his side.' i said

'Of course. Like always.' he said rolling his eyes
'What about mental health clinic?' he asked

'You think your sister might be mentally ill?' i asked

'She might be. I mean, she lives with my father. I would be mentally ill too, if i had to live with him. I'm just scared that if she gets into Azkaban, she will just get worse. And she would hate me.' he said

'Well if you think that would work, then sure do that. As long as she's not here anymore. But i have to make sure my friend is alright with that.' i said

'The one that got drugged?' he asked

I nodded my head.

'Okay. Sure do that. I'll go with her to a clinic and then you can tell me what she said when I'm back. And i can tell you if she's alright.' he said

'Okay.' i said getting up

'Thanks for not writing your dad. We both know, he would've done something about this. And he wouldn't care about my father.' he said

'Sure. I really don't want to include dad in my life anymore.'  i said

'Okay. I'm gonna go now.' he said

'Have fun bringing Jones to a clinic.' i said
'See you later.'

I went back to the Slytherin common room and everyone was there. James and his friends and my friends.

'So?' Marlene asked

'I need to talk to you alone for a sec.' i said to Marlene

We went to my dorm and sat on the bed.

'He's gonna help. He thinks Jones might be mentally ill. He just took her to a doctor and if she is, then he wants her to go to the clinic and get better there. He doesn't want her to go to Azkaban. But if you want her in prison. We'll go to the Ministry. I want to know what you want to do if she's sick.' i said

'You think she might be mentally ill?' she asked

'I don't know. I just know. We can't let her go away with this.' i said

'How do you know he's coming back?' she asked

'I trust him. He's different. He grew up with his mother. They're only half siblings.' i said

'I- I- She drugged me.'
'But... I don't want her to go to Azkaban if she's mentally ill. I wouldn't want my worst enemy to go to Azkaban. If the clinic makes her better and keeps her away from the school. Then if she's mentally ill, then she should go to the clinic.' she said

'Are you sure? She did drug you. I would want her in Azkaban. I would send her to Azkaban. But we were drunk.' i said

'I am sure. It was my fault. You told me to stay away from her. All of you did. But i didn't listen. She should get the help, if she needs it. And hopefully be better in the future. It was my fault.' she said

'It wasn't. She is the only one to blame. Should we go tell the others then?' i asked

'Yeah.' she said

We went back to the common room and sat down on the couch.

'Okay so. Will thinks Jones might be mentally ill. If she is. Then she'll go to a clinic and get better. If she isn't. Then we'll drag her ass to Azkaban. Either way. She won't be in this school anymore. Dumbledore and Mr. Jones will be mad about it.' i said

'Dumbeldore should be fired for not expelling her after drugging someone.' Sev said

'Yeah. But it wasn't on school property.' Reg said

'We'll have to figure something out.' i said

'Yeah. We need a better professor. Someone that will help us when we need it.' Reg said

'We should go to bed. I'll wait for Will.' i said

'I'm not really tired.' Reg said

'Yeah. Me neither.' Marlene said

'Okay. Then we can wait here. Talk or something.' i said

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