Twenty-Seven||Part Two

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"The Lounge Singer"

"Did you get the biscuits yet? My parents will be here soon!" Celia's panicked voice rang through Scott's ears as he got out of the car. He finally found a parking spot on the street.

Parking was one reason he didn't come downtown much, and if he did, he'd usually get a driver to take him.

"Yes, calm down. I'm walking down the street towards the place now," he told Celia.

For some reason, his wife always got nervous when her parents came over.

You'd think as an adult she'd be over trying to impress them.

Then again, who was Scott to talk?

"Don't tell me to calm down, Scott. You know that only makes me even more nervous. I want everything to be perfect."

"It's just dinner. Everything we'll be fine," he assured her.

Celia reluctantly agrees to his consoling and calms down a bit before hanging up.

Scott puts his phone away, focusing on where he was going.

Downtown Chicago was pretty crowded for a Wednesday. It was after work hours, and people were bustling around trying to get to their whereabouts.

Though Scott never liked coming downtown. He could admit that it was nice to walk around and explore the city. The sounds of the busy streets were kind of calming for him.

The fast pace living gave him exhilaration, compared to the slow-paced life he lived.

Then there was the fact that the lit-up city was even more beautiful in person than the view from his office window. The different aromas of food places he walked past also made the walk even better.

It also made him realize how hungry he was. So, Scott picked up the pace.

He hadn't been downtown in a very long time, but he did remember where the catering place was. They ordered from there all the time.

So Scott was confused when he was standing in front of a place called Issac's Blues.

He looks up at the blue neon sign, confused.

It was evident the catering place had moved.

Time was of the essence, and Scott needed to be home soon because, God knows, Cece wouldn't be too happy if he didn't bring back those damn biscuits.

After a second, he decides to go in and ask someone where the place had been moved.

Scott opens the door and walks inside. As soon as he stepped into the dark place, soft jazz music filled his eardrums, giving away that this was obviously a jazz club.

Hence Issac's Blues.

Though the place was pretty dim, the lights on the stage where the band was located helped. And for a Wednesday, this place was pretty packed.

People were sitting at round tables that circled around the dance floor in front of the stage. Some talked to their peers while they sipped their drinks. Others were just listening to the soft beat of the band, drifting away into another world.

The atmosphere in this place was something Scott never experienced before, yet he instantly felt comfortable and relaxed. It was almost like the positive vibes were drawing him in as crazy as it sounded.

Scott approached the bar, taking one of the least empty seats. He

sat next to a girl who was turned toward the stage, bobbing her head back and forth.

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