Chapter Forty-Six

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     " Ahsoka, what are you doing here?!" Rex ran towards the shield separating them.

Ahsoka took a step closer to him before feeling a tightness in her chest. Electricity shot down from a spot on the ceiling.

" Ahsoka!" Rex could only watch as she crippled to the ground. He whipped his head up to the the source. The blue electricity stopped and so did her pained gasps.

" Th-at hur-t-" she sputtered, looking up, seeing an electric trap, made specifically for Jedi, connected to the ceiling. 

" Are you okay?" Rex asked, wishing he hadn't gotten himself trapped, then maybe his cyar'ika wouldn't have been harmed.

Ahsoka waved a hand at him. " Yeah, I'm fine." she calmed him. " I should have been more careful." she mentally slapped herself. 

The beeping from the bomb suddenly speed up catching Rex's full attention. He raced back over to the broken up holotable. " Please, no." he didn't dare touch the device though for fear of making it worse than last time, but what could possibly be worse. He was about to die because of a stupid mistake he made.

" Rex? What's wrong." she saw how his face crunched up with concern.

Rex shook his head as the timer quickly decreased to ten minutes. He slowly backed away, his gaze slightly cast over his shoulder in hopes it didn't go down farther. " Uh..slight problem...there's a bomb in here with me."

Ahsoka's eyes widened. " WHAT?!" she yelled. " Why didn't you tell me that when I first got here!" she exclaimed frustratingly, her lekku's flushing.

" I know, I know, I should have told you, but I didn't want you to worry." he rubbed the back of his neck. " Look, in case we can't figure this out and worst come to worst, I want you to get out of here. Save as many as you can, including yours-"

" Don't you dare finish that sentence Rex. I won't leave you." Ahsoka said sternly.

" You have to-"

" I'm not going to lose you. Don't push me away again like last time. I'll get you out of there." she cut him off again, not wanting to hear him tell her that he was willing to die when they haven'y even tried anything yet. " I have an idea, but it'll take a few minutes."

Rex shifted to the side. Ahsoka, however, picked up on the slight movement.

" Rex, be honest with much time do we have left." 

" Now, about five minutes." the Captain didn't know what to do. He was completely helpless. He didn't think he would go out this way. He always thought it would be on the battle field, fighting along side his brothers, for something he believed in, but that belief was a lie. He really didn't know what he would be dying for.

" Okay, then I better hurry." Ahsoka stretched her hand out to access the lock pad.

Rex watched as she worked, every second going by added to his stress. The ticking didn't help either.

" Almost got it." Ahsoka closed her eyes and let the force guide her in pressing the right buttons.

" Ahsoka..." the last minute began.

" One more number..." she concentrated hard on the final digit. The force field around the lever disappeared. The trap also seemed to have been deactivated.

" Ahsoka! Get out of here!" she heard Rex scream. With no hesitation, she pulled the lever, which caused the ray shield to vanish. A hand ushered to her move. She started to run as fast as she could and with every chance she got, look back at Rex to make sure he was still alive.

" TAKE COVER!" she felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around her. A large explosion echoed behind her, but she didn't see anything. She was tackled to the ground, darkness taking over her vision.

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