~ Adventure, here I come! ~

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"Come back here now!" Rani called after her cub, putting on a stern face.
"Relax mom! It's not like I'm gonna get hu-" The cub was running, but didn't notice the log in front of him. "AH!" He gingerly stood up, confused about what happened. The small lion could hear a familiar laugh from above him, he looked up and saw his best friend: Bonga.
"Heads up!" Bonga shouted, followed by a thud. The tiny honey badger had jumped from the massive pile of rocks.
"KONDO!" Queen Rani sprinted over to the pair. "Now, Kondo! You should've listened to me before you tripped over." She glared down at her son. He put his ears down, hoping for a way out of the punishment he would have. "Mom! Don't! I swear I thought it would be funny. Don't send me with him, please!" Kondo glanced up at his mother who was trying to hold back a laugh.

The queen looked up at where Bonga came from and quickly said "Duck!"
Kondo didn't know what this meant, but his curiosity saved him from Bunga; Bongas father. "ZUKA ZAMA!" The fully grown honey badger flipped off the pile of rocks, barely missing Kondo. "Lucky you tried to find that duck, kiddo! Now where did Bonga go...?" He looked around for a good two seconds before all three of them could hear loud chewing from inside a log. "Aha! Ya hid the jackpot kid!!" Bunga shouted out with delight before diving into the log, snatching grubs out. Rani stuck her tongue out in disgust.

She then flicked her tail, gesturing for her son to follow her. He obeyed and started walking, leaving the two hungry honey badgers behind. "Do I have to go? It was an accident!" Kondo begged his Mother.
"Kondo, you ran away from Makini! She was showing you a painting of your father!" Rani answered, strictly. He rolled his eyes back and muttered "Exploring is more fun than that..."

The Queen heard him but didn't say anything, instead she nudged him up the hill to Onos nest. "Have fun!" She giggled at her son. Kondo rolled his eyes and continued up the path. "Ono? Hey! Onoooo!!?" He shouted at the nest, only to see an eagle pop out. "Oh, it's you!" He sighed in relief.
"Yup." Anga replied, raising an eyebrow at the cub. "I suppose your Mom sent you here? Well Ono isn't home." She flew back up to the nest.
"Then why are you in his nest, Anga? And how did you know my Mom sent me here?" The cub questioned eagerly.
"Well, I'm the former keenest of sight. I see a lot of things." She stared at him "Ono went back to the pridelands yesterday, he wanted to see that bird he made friends with back home. Hammer something?" Anga told him.
The lion nodded and headed back towards the Tree of Life. Inside, he was squealing with joy that he didn't have to have a lecture from Ono. But he wanted to look tough on the outside to impress the cheetah he was passing. Uzima. Kondo had liked her for about a week or so. But they were still young so he thought nothing of it. He still insisted on looking his best whenever Uzima was around though.

~A couple hours later, the Tree of Life~

Kondo sat there, tired of hearing the Mandrill go on and on about his dad. He knew King Kion was a hero to the Pride lands and the Tree of Life, but he never really looked up to him as much as his Mom.
"See that, Kondo? That's when your Dad roared lions out of the outlands." Makini pointed at a painting of Kion as a cub, roaring at the outsiders. "Luckily, when your dad was here for the first time, your Aunt Kiara saved the pride lands! Along with Kovu, she now rules the pride lands!" She yapped on..and on...and on.

He nodded in silence.

"And just like your parents, you will rule the Tree of Life someday!" She squealed in excitement to young cub, resting on the rock in front of the paintings. "What if I don't wanna rule it? It's no fun!" Kondo said, his eyes rolled.
"You'll be a great king! Don't worry. As long as everybody respects the circle of life, you'll be fine!!" Makini jumped up and down, her eyes were closed in joy.

Kondo took the chance to run away from the tree. He wanted to go on adventures like The Lion Guard, he was brave, fast, strong, and fierce! He couldn't see as well as Anga or Ono, but he still thought of himself as the whole guard.
"Hey, Kondo! Wanna race?" The young cheetah ran in front of him as he headed to the pass.
"Not today, sorry! I gotta run!" Kondo swiftly replied, getting a confused look from Uzima.
"Why?" She asked, not knowing what was behind him.
"That's why!" He leaped over Uzima, running to the mountain pass. Uzima watched him run away, only to see Rani running
after him. "Oh." She looked sad, how come she never got to go on adventures like Kondo?

"Uzima! Come sit with your Mom." She heard a familiar voice call from behind her, it was her dad.
"Sorry, ok!" She sprinted towards the water where her parents along with Beshte, Binga, Bunga and Bonga were. As she arrived, she brushed her silky fur along her fathers, hugging him. Fuli flicked her tail as a gesture for her daughter to sit next to her, Uzima walked to the flat rock she sat on and lay down next to her mother.
"What's wrong? You don't look happy.." Fuli looked down at her small cub with a concerned look across her face.
"How come everybody gets to go on adventures? I never get to! Just yesterday Bonga got to go with Binga to the rock formations! And now today Kondo gets to go past the mountain pass. It's no fair! I wanna explore. I wanna see things and be like you Mom! But I can't.." Uzima looked down, cross with her Mom but also sad. She had mixed emotions about her life.

"Well, I was in the Lion Guard. I had no choice, really. And I'm only doing it to keep you safe, do you know the dangers out there!?" Fuli answered, feeling guilty but feeling like a good Mom protecting her cub. "Besides, it can be fun here too! See, your dad? He goes on his adventures without going too far."
Azaad nodded in agreement, however he was too focused on Binga and Bongas flips to say anything.
"How about your dad takes you to fun places, without going near dangerous places?" Fuli suggested, looking at Azaad.
He looked up "Yes! Azaad knows all the exciting places here!" He started to to walk off in the direction of them. Uzimas face lit up as she hurriedly ran after her father.

"I sure do wonder what it's like being a parent!" Beshte told Bunga and Fuli.

"Fun!" Bunga answered and helped Bonga perfect his flip.
"Stressful." Fuli sighed, watching her family run off together.

*A/N: hi everybody! so that's the first chapter of my story and I will introduce kion and ranis other two Cubs in the next one! and maybe Uzima might get a sibling...*

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