Chapter 13. Alpha's Mate

Start from the beginning

She lifted her long hair from neck and stared curiously at the newest symbolic mark that Kane had given her. She rubbed the raised skin gently to see if it was still sore. Kane had shown her something no normal human would ever experience. Becoming one was not only the joining of their bodies, but also their spirits and apparently leaving a huge mark on her neck. The wound was already beginning to heal and shape into a strange circular red symbol completely identical to Kendrick's, it almost looked as if she'd gotten a tattoo just as he'd told her.

Erotic visions of their lovemaking suddenly displayed across the mirror like a movie. She could see Kane's naked body wrapped around hers as she knelt on her hands and knees. His muscles moving under his skin as he pushed deeper and deeper inside of her. She thought he would kill her that night. Never had such a huge organ been inside her, it had stretched her until she thought she couldn't possibly stretch any further without him ripping her to pieces. Then her fear began to subside as the pain faded into that of pleasure. Pleasure she had never felt before in her life. She thought she would die of pure ecstasy.

Tara memories were arousing to Kane as he shared them with her. His own memories of their lovemaking began to show. Her soft pleas for him to stop were lost to him. He had been too lost in pleasure to listen once he had buried himself inside of her. She had been so tight, so hot, so wet...her body had been made perfectly to fit his. He had never experienced anything like it and when he finally climaxed, she had come with him, both of them shouting out their ecstasy together. It was then a blinding red light had surrounded them causing his fangs to come out and pierce her delicate skin. He couldn't stop himself from drinking her blood even as she screamed in pain. It had only taken a second for the engulfing light to bind their souls and to leave his symbol branded into her skin. They had both passed out afterwards.

Tara's skin began to grow damp, the mirrors began to fog as she continued with her memories. Later that night Kane had made love to her again and again taking complete possession of her body and there was nothing she could do about it, but enjoy it.

"Tara, if you do not stop this, I will come in there and take you right now," Kane's voice growled into her head.

Suddenly the door opened and Rhonda walked in. She stopped and looked around at the foggy mirrors. A strange, sweet, yet alluring scent filled her nose. "What the hell is that smell? Did someone just have sex in here?" She turned to Tara noticing her deep breathing and damp skin.

"Whatcha doing in here girl?" She walked up to her. "I can help you scratch that itch if you need it."

Tara stared at her, her mouth slightly opened from shock. Rhonda was coming on to her!?

"Damn you smell so good and you looked too fine today. I don't know what happened to you over the weekend, but you are damn sexy today. You know, I always had a crush on you, you know that right? I just didn't know how you'd react if I told you that I wanted you."

"What...what?" Tara backed away from her until her back hit the wall.

"Come on, Tara. Let's be real. This is San Francisco, haven't you ever wondered what it was like to be with another woman?" She reached out to touch Tara's face.

Those were the last words Rhonda said before she started screaming in pain. Tara suddenly found herself outside the building. She leaned against the wall as Kane's huge body towered over her.

"You are new to this, I understand, but I am still furious," Kane said slowly and methodically. His green eyes were glowing dangerously, flecks of red flames danced inside the pupil.

"What just happened back there? Why was Rhonda screaming?"

"You cannot be near anyone when you are aroused. Do you understand? Even human women cannot resist the scent of an aroused female wolf."

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