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'Return of the Messiah' by Huntfrog

In the year 2026 the Messiah came back down to Earth.

He performed miracles and cured the sick.

There was no doubt as to his authenticity.

He appeared to all nations at once.

All believed.

All worshipped him.

Some time later, after this period of our history known as the Age of Peace, he dropped a bombshell on us.

He warned us that Heaven was almost full.

Nobody had gone to Hell during this Age.

There were a fixed amount of spots left.

Paradise would be closed to all who died after the Gates close.

That is when the Mass Suicides began.

Taking your own life, he had told us, was not a sin if you died a pious man.

The race was on!

He looked on and was pleased.

He returned home, to his throne of fire and flames, and greeted all with a nod of her wicked horns.

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