" Do you want to leave?"

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"surprised you showed up." Romeo remarks as he sees Grecia walking into her detention.

"didn't have a choice, did i?" Grecia says not sparing the handsome guy a glance, "not with an uptight ass like you." she whispers.

"you said something, Grecia?" Romeo looks at her and she does the same. He thinks about how she has pretty eyes, they were green in the morning but now they have grey circles.

"what now?" She says her eyes wandering a bit to his slightly buttoned down shirt, showing a lustful hint of his tattoos from back in the days. Somehow, when he took off his jacket and took off his tie, he looks a thousand times better.

"now, you write an essay about the benefits of doing push-ups." Romeo says with a smug smile on his face.

"are you serious, sir?"


son of a bitch, she thinks. Grecia gets to writing, in the worst handwriting. Grecia looks up and sees Romeo already looking. He coughs off his embarrassment and keeps checking his papers.

At 4, when her detention is suppose to be done, she looks up to her teacher, deeply focused, looking hotter than ever. Something about the man does things to her that no man or boy ever did.

"Can i go?" Grecia asks grabbing Romeo's attention.

He stands up slowly and gets closer to her desk. He rests his elbows on the desk and gets unbelievably close to her face. Grecia, not wanting to back up, enjoys the warmth radiating from his body.

"do you want to leave?" he whispers in a husky soothing voice, still infront of her face. Grecia doesn't respond but gathers enough strength to slightly nod an unseen nod.

"use your word, Grecia."


"then leave." He says taking away all his glory, grabbing her paper and then leaving for his desk. She leans in when he pulls away, regretting ever saying yes.

"good day, sir." Grecia says at the door and hurries away, not waiting for an answer.


"so," Grecia starts as she's chewing on her chicken, "who is this mystery friend of yours that i'll be staying with?"

"he's not exactly my friend." Luke tells her and she crunches her eyebrows throwing her father a confused look. " he's the son of my friend."  he explains.

"at least he's not a hundred years old." Grecia teases father and he throws a pea from his plate at her. "he's coming after dinner actually."

"dad, don't tell me-" Grecia says, sadness sparking across her face.

"i'm sorry, i had to catch an earlier flight."

"why?" She asks angrily, a vein popping on her slightly tall neck.

"It's work i had-"

"no you know what dad?" She takes the cloth out of her lap and slams it on the table, "its fine. i get it." She stops at the stairs before climbing them, "it goes work." She sets her hand to her head level, "meetings" she lowers her hand a bit, "then me." she sets her hand way lower now.

"Grecia-" her father calls out for her as she walks up the stairs into her room. She lies on her bed, on her stomach reading her book. Enjoying her escape from reality.

"Grecia?" Luke opens the door, "he's here." Grecia flashes her father a thumbs up tagged along with fake enthusiasm. "come." Her father demands, reaching his limits with her. He'd always known she has a bit of anger management issues that she got from her mother.

Grecia follows her father down the stairs in her shorts and white tank top. Her father would always tell her 'wear what you want as long as it expresses you, and always remember, i can fight'

"there he is!" Luke opens the door with Grecia still having a few steps to come down.

"Grecia, Romeo." Her father introduces them, but they are long acquainted.

"Mister Taylor." She breathes out.

"Grecia." He recognizes her back. His eyes fan her body, taking in everything, and so does she.  He clenched his jaw and gulps.

"you'll be staying together" Her father chimes in, with all obliviousness.

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