Chapter Twelve

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The next morning Sarah woke to find  Zoe gone, a note on the bedside table. She picked up the note and read.


Had to leave for work

didn't want to wake you.

Call you later.

Zoe X

Sarah was at work and couldn't help but feel that someone was watching her, she hadn't even done anything yet but felt so guilty.  She tried to continue as per normal but found it hard to concentrate, she was sure someone would notice, she almost jumped out of her skin when one of her co-workers tried to talk to her.  So it was of no help at all when she received a phone call just before lunch.  She was half expecting it to be Zoe, perhaps arranging to meet for lunch, however the voice on the other end was definitely not Zoe, she would never forget that voice.

"I'm glad you made the right decision Miss White."

Sarah sat frozen in her chair, the phone to her ear as the man on the other end gave her instructions and then just like that he was gone, she'd never even said a word.  She was taken aback by what had just happened that she never thought to ask herself 'how did he know?'.

The rest of the day continued in the same way as the morning, she was pretty much just going through the motions now, she moved files around her desk, typed away on the keyboard but did very little work.  She pretended to work the rest of the afternoon until the rest of the office staff started to gradually filter out and head home, she nodded and waved, making the odd comment about work load and staying late.  When she was sure she was alone she collected her things, locked up the office and started to make her way down the corridor.   Sarah worked on the ground floor but the task at hand now required her to access the main server on the first level.  She had been given instructions as to which server to access, even which files to download., she considered accessing the server from her own computer but that would have been traced back to her and in any case, she never had direct access to the server.  She took the stairs not wanting to draw attention by using the lift and made her way up to the next level, her heart was pounding in her chest, she was expecting George the security guard to jump out at her any minute.  Opening the stair well door to level one she carefully checked the corridor before making her way to the server room.

The server room was locked and required a six digit code that was changed on a daily basis, a six letter word with each letter corresponding to the numbered code was used, it was far easier to remember the word than the number, fortunately this made it easier to steal.  Especially when some of the staff were lazy and damn right irresponsable.  Sarah entered the code she had been given and was relieved to find that it worked, checking the corridoor one more time she entered the room.  The server she required was located at the back of the room along the wall and just to the left of the isle she was currently looking down.  Waking up the terminal with a tap of the space bar, she then began to search for the files as instructed.  It took a few minutes to find the files, she'd never thought to ask what they were, or why they wanted them, to be honest she just wanted this whole nightmare to be over as soon as possible.  She couldn't help when curriosity got the better of her though and opened a file to read.  This particular file pertained to the 'Re-education' program, she already new about this or so she thought, so didn't bother to read it in full.  When she closed the file however her eye was drawn to another file, this one labelled 'Genesis.'  She opened the file and started to read.

Project Genesis.

The aim of project Genesis is to locate and alter the gene resposible for the homosexual behavour in the human species by means of genetic manipulation.  The end goal of the project is to elimate once and for all the sin of homosexualality and to purify the human spirit.

Sarah read the details over and over again, this couldn't be true, they wouldn't but it was there in front of her.  Taking the pen drive from her bag she inserted it into the USB slot and copied all the files across, once done she put the drive back in her bag and made her way back to door.  Checking the corridoor she made her back to the stairs and down to the ground floor, she opened the door, looked to make sure it was clear and then proceeded through it.  Sarah was half way down the corridoor when she heard a voice call out to her.

"Ah, Miss White, working late again i see!"

It was George, Sarah froze for a second sure she had been caught but when she turned around she saw him smiling at her and immediately relaxed, or as much as she could in the circumstances.

"That's right George, you know me i just can't stay away.  Anyway, i'm off now."

"Then allow me to walk you out."

Sarah took his offered arm and hoped he couldn't tell how nervous she was as he showed her to the main lobby and the door and then with a curtious 'Goodnight' she was gone.

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