I hear someone speaking from behind. "Hyunnng, don.... Don't call y/n.... Shiz madz at meii"

"I hope he doesn't puke inside my car. See you y/n, gotta carry this muscle pig to my car" Hoseok says as he hangs up.

I sit in silence, my thoughts blank, tears accumulated in the corner of my eyes. I had to give Jungkook a good news, but instead my overacting a*s ruined it.

I hear a knock in the door after few minutes indicating its Hoseok with Jungkook.

I open the door to be greated by a scrunched face Hoseok carring Jungkook on his back. I let him enter inside.

"Hey y/n, I'll just place him on the couch, I hope you can take care of him after" he says with hopeful eyes.

"Yes Hoseok" I forcefully let out a smile.

"Don't worry y/n, everything is going to be okay" he assures me as he walks out of the door leaving drunk Jungkook alone with me.

"Hey... Kook" I walk near him and smile.

"Y/n" he giggles.

His shirt crinkled, sleeves pulled up, he stinks alcohol along with an unfamiliar scent, bruises around his neck and collor.

I shrug off the thought thinking about asking him in the morning, that is if he remembers, as I hold his hand to pull him up and take him to our shared bedroom.

"Kook, please stand up and help me take you bedroom" I plead knowing very well if I don't say 'please' he doesn't do as told when in drunken state.

"Y/n..... I.... Lob u soo muh... Urrr petty, Urr smole is petty, Urrr eys rrr petty, I lob u soo soo muh bb.... Don't leb meh" he purrs giggling like a kid.

The scent lingering around him almost makes me puke but I try my best to breath through my mouth to help myself in this self brought situation.

After what seemed like an eternity I changed his clothes and lay his almost unconscious body down on the bed.

As I was about to walk out I hear him murmering something "Yoon.... U shouldn't haav...... Not me!.... Yoon.....we Cheat"

I guess he must have played some video games with someone, I smile at the thought and leave our shared bedroom to go to the guest room to sleep.

Next day

I wake up early to prepare Jungkook's hangover soup. I hope he remembers what happened yesterday since he has high alcohol tolerance.

I open the door, trying my best not to make any creaking sound if he is still asleep.

As expected, he's curled up into a ball cuddling a pillow looking like a little baby. As I approach him, I place the soup on the nightstand and watch his sleeping figure, looking so vulnerable because of the alcohol he consumed yesterday.

A sigh leaves my lips as I walk to the windows covered by blinds. "Kookoo wake up" I say softly, pulling the blinds to side for the sunrays to enter our bedroom.

"Jungkook... Wake up" I coo in his ears as he stirs from side to side, putting a hand over his ear. I giggle seeing him wanting to sleep more.

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