April 11th, 2021 - Post-CyberPunk

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April 11th, 2021 - Post-CyberPunk

First you have CyberPunk, then CyberPunk goes through some spectacular changes in itself and becomes Post-CyberPunk! Wow!


Post-CyberPunk is a sort of utopian's vision of CyberPunk. Like seeing CyberPunk through the eyes of an optimist with big ideas about how to change the gritty, blood-spattered, computer-mainframe streets, and turn it into a sleek, streamlined society. There's less of an anti-corporate bent, or at least the hackers aren't always the good guys.

 There's less of an anti-corporate bent, or at least the hackers aren't always the good guys

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May 9th, 2021 - SamuraiPunk

Who doesn't think samurai and ninjas are cool?

What would it have been like if Samurai warriors had used something akin to lightsabers? Yeah, writing in this sub-genre could well be like writing Star Wars in Feudal Japan.

The time period doesn't have to be way back, of course, nor does the technology utilised have to be anything at all to do with the weaponry the legendary warriors used... But hey, who's to say there aren't Samurai warriors wandering the streets of Tokyo, doling out whatever justice they see fit from the shadows?

It can be near-future, far-future, the past, the present. SamuraiPunk, baby.

The recent reboot trilogy of the iconic Shadow Warrior series of video games is definitely SamuraiPunk!

The recent reboot trilogy of the iconic Shadow Warrior series of video games is definitely SamuraiPunk!

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