Food and facetimes

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Janis awoke to the Patter of rain on the roof and her cat meowing. It wasn't quite dark yet and her cat David must be yelling for food. Janis checks her phone only to find it dead. "I guess it's time to go inside hey David." She takes a breath and plants her feet on the ground lifting her tired body up from the dusty grey couch. She grabs her bag and creaks opens the door to the shed. Janis spots a figure in the kitchen window shaking their head. "Here we go." Janis thought to herself. As she walks through the back door a stern voice answers her footsteps. "Punching! Really? Why is it SO HARD for you to just behave like a normal teenager... I've told you a million times if you can't behave on the bus don't take the fucking bus. Don't leave yourself in these positions don't even respond, dinner is on the bench don't take it all leave some for your brothers lunch."
"Its not like I really had a choice mom what was I supposed to do, be a fucking doormat." Janis grabs the pouch off cat food from the kitchen shelf and a bowl of leftovers and walks off, David in tow. She walks up the stairs of her house to the end of the hallway opening her bedroom door to a loud thud. A brown box falls from her bed as she throws her bag down and rushes to pick it up to place it in the back of her closet. "As always David, you saw nothing." Janis tips the cat food into Davids bowl and closes the door to her room. "Bon a petite."
She kicks off her boots and plugs in her phone. As she sits eyeing the leftovers her phone dings and lights up. "33 messages from DAMIAN. Janis selects Damians number and sets her phone onto the desk to FaceTime.
" I SWEAR trying to get an answer out of you is impossible sometimes ... what do you do throw your phone across the ocean????" Damian taunts as his face appears on the screen.
"For your information I was having a pleasant conversation with a feline friend about my 5 star dining experience I'm currently having." Janis jokes as she holds up what looks to be a very unappealing sludge of rice and fish sauce. 
Damian - "Ok anyway moving on from your fish soup, I passed my English test and I no longer have to go to Sumer school!"
Janis - "SWEET does that mean you can house sit with me while my family goes aunt Teresas lake house because I told mom if she makes me go I'll round house kick regina into the lake.... She didn't take that so well but I don't have to go so I guess that's a win."
Damian - " how about we do a week long old school horror movie mania marathon."
Janis - "sounds gruesome and I'm into it!"
There was an awkward silence as Damian mustered up the courage to be serious for a moment.
"So my space alien, are you ok, after the bus ride. Jake told me what happened and it sounded like something from the movie sucker punch."
Janis scrunched her face as the feelings of guilt flood her for a split second. "Yeah it wasn't my finest moment but the bitch pulled my hair it was purley self defence... anyway it'll probably be another suspension we will see."
"Well, don't beat yourself up about it from what I heard Sophie wanted to get a nose job so you probably did her a favour. I'm going with mom to get burgers I got to go but I'll meet you out the front to pick you up tomorrow morning at 8 we can go get donuts before hell." Damian consoles a defeated looking janis.
"Yass ok that's tits! I'll see you tomorrow." Janis waves as the screen goes black, she places her untouched bowl on her dresser and throws herself onto her bed as David jumps up and lays next to her. "Why am I like this?" She turns to David hearing a subtle meow as if it were a reply. "You're right lets not unpack that thought quite yet." Janis says as she lays her head down on her pillow. As Janis rolls over she catches a glimpse of the brown box she had placed in her closet. Janis' mom knocks on the door, entering without waiting for a reply. She goes on a tirade about how janis was smart and a great artist but how disappointed she was that she couldn't be as behaved as she thought regina was. Janis' mom spots the full bowl and starts to complain about wasting food and how her brothers appreciate the gesture of cooking more then Janis does. "We have a meeting with Mr Duval at 2pm don't be late" her mom scorns as she waits for a reply.
"I'll be punctual." Janis says.
Janis tells her mom goodnight as she gets up to lock the door after her.

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