Ch. 33-Disaster of Flood-part 2

Start from the beginning

"Tell me Captain. Tell me he isn't your companion." 

Yoo Jonghyuk had also learned of her state of mind through mistakes. Kim Dokja is his companion through and through but in front of the fragile Shin Yoosung he was hesitant to announce their status.

Is there no way to win without breaking her heart down? 

Yoo Jonghyuk looked at Kim Dokja. His gaze meeting the other's glance. 

Kim Dokja nodded at back. 

If what Yoo Jonghyuk said is true then this could possible be solved this way. 

A story in the Star Stream is different from the stories read in books. The stories created under the influence of Star Stream is alive with its own will and has its own personality.

Kim Dokja heard the story talking to him. It was the story written from him and Yoo Jonghyuk. It told him about the other timeline, the timeline he didn't have any memories of. 

The story between the two companions is lengthy and Kim Dokja couldn't hear all of it right now but he heard parts of this battle. 

Kim Dokja walked towards Shin Yoosung. Slow and even steps was taken like there was no worry in the whole world. Like there was no danger in getting close to the Disaster of Floods.

Shin Yoosung glared at Kim Dokja. Raising her hand and focusing ether in it. It was as if she was about to shoot another ray of ether, the same kind that had killed him in the different timeline.

Yoo Jonghyuk almost went forward to stop Kim Dokja. Even if he full heartedly trusted he still worried about his life. The reason for their preparations was because he needed to keep everyone alive. Especially Kim Dokja. 

Yet Yoo Jonghyuk didn't go forward. He stayed and showed his trust. But Kim Dokja wouldn't know how he felt. 

Kim Dokja had just about reached Shin Yoosung and Shin Yoosung's ray of light was only seconds away from firing. It was extremely dangerous. Just watching each other would mean his end so Kim Dokja chose to speak up for the first time. 

"Shin Yoosung, I'll be your salvation." 

Shin Yoosung flinched as if surprised by Kim Dokja's words.

As if to back him up, the story started to tell a tale.

[The story 'Life and Death Companions' wants to tell 'Shin Yoosung' its story.]

"Your greatest wish, Shin Yoosung, let me help you full fill it." 

The condensed ether in Shin Yoosung palm slowly disappear as Shin Yoosung's expression began to break.

"You... Who are you?" 

It wasn't a question asking for a name. 

"A reader who likes happy endings. But you can call me ahjussi." 


Shin Yoosung repeated his word as if in daze. 

Kim Dokja thought that this innocent girl had truly suffered something worse than death.

He reached out his hand and cupped Shin Yoosung's cheek.

"Everything will be alright. After this is over I'll full fill your wish and bring you back. Then you can have someone to rely on and care for you."

Shin Yoosung reacted greatly to his words. It was only his words but also because of the tale that the story was telling. 

It is the truth, Shin Yoosung thought. There was only truth in this mans, no, ahjussi's words.

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