Chapter 28

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A/n: Please read the author's note at the end of this chapter! Thank you!❤️


Three, two, one….

"Where is that freaking manager of this bank? Everything about this place is stupid. I should have known this place and the manager of this place especially is not at all reliable. " The voice yelled from outside my room.

"Taehyung-ah? This bank's manager is your boyfriend, you know that right?" I heard Jimin's voice next.

"Really Jimin? You think this is the time? He isn't my boyfriend right now, call him out. Yah! the manager of stupid bank of dreams come out right now." He yelled again.

I inhaled a deep breath and then opened my door and walked out to face a furious Taehyung and helpless Jimin.

The rest of the bank was already ignoring the two above mentioned people.

"What is all this chaos in the bank? It's working hours now, we can't really have someone yelling at the top of their voice like this now." I said as I kept my hands on my hips and tried my best to look intimidating.

"Jeon Jungkook, the so-called great manager of this bank. How are you so calm right now? You are a brat, an unreliable person. All you know is how to break a person's trust and expectation." Taehyung yelled again and now suddenly everyone was staring at us.

I looked around and laughed a bit nervously and then gulped looking at the angry Kim Taehyung in front of me.

"Bubble, my love, my baby...calm down. You're disturbing the whole bank's atmosphere, let's get inside my room and then talk yeah?" I asked nervously as I smiled at the others indicating them to continue working.

"Why!? Why should I go with an untrustworthy person?" He yelled again.

"Taehyung-ah? Please just go with him, for my sake." Jimin said as he held his hand and smiled.

Taehyung took a deep breath in and then smiled at Jimin.

"Just because you are asking." He replied with a smile.

"Go on! What are you waiting for? Move in." He yelled at my face again.

I sighed deeply. This is gonna take time.

We entered the room and just as I closed the door, I was pinned to it by none other than, yeah, who else?

"I swear to God, Jungkook. If you come up with some lame excuse, I will tickle you so bad that you won't be standing straight here." He warned looking directly into my eyes.

"I would really appreciate it if you would tell me what my fault is." I said gulping avoiding eye contact.

"Are you kidding me? You don't know what your fault is? Is this a joke? Wait, am I a joke?" He asked, glaring at me.

"Bubblee!! What did I do?" I asked now whining.

He left my shoulder and crossed his arms on his chest and huffed loudly.

"You cancelled our date and have the audacity to behave like you did nothing." He said.

"Babyy! I told you that I was given some last minute work. I just couldn't leave that and nor could I postpone it, I would definitely do so if I could." I said with pleading eyes.

"You think I care? You didn't even give me a proper reason. You just said you have bank work, I mean who says that?" He replied with wide eyes which mostly expressed that he was really amazed and not in a good way.

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