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《Warning Attempted Suicide》


Thunder rumbled in the distance and rain sprinkled down from the grey clouds that enclosed the forest's sky. It was both beautiful and calming sight to the person sitting on the wet grass. He hadn't been here in so many years he'd almost forgotten the feeling of happiness it brought him. Jack took in a deep breath letting the smell of the wet woods around him to fill his senses. It was the most at peace he'd ever felt in a very, very long time. Today was the day he'd finally be able to let everything go and be free.

His final stand.

Jack looked down at the beautiful lake below, shades of dark green and blue painted it's waters almost like an abis welcoming him into its depths. He'd missed this place, he missed the memories it held and he desperately wanted them back. His old life, his family, his friends. Tears slipped down his face as he remembered those he'd lost. Almost everyone he knew and held close died from the virus, the few that had survived ultimately left him behind. The day he lost his youngest brother was the day he broke, his hope for the future was destroyed. And he had bared that pain ever since. Jack tightened his grip on a little red and orange scarf, it was one of the few things that brought his brother comfort before he passed. A sobbed racked his body as memories flood through his head of the last time he had seen his brother, he was so pale and weak he could barely even talk.

Jack let the memories flow through his head, it hurt so much but he let it happen. Reliving the horrific sights he'd seen over the years both caused by the virus and by other humans. His own species cast him out and never bothered to help him, some people even beat him and left him to die just for some food they could find some where else. Life even before the virus was tough, he had almost no friends, exteme anxiety and never felt like he belonged but it was no where near as traumatic as how his life was now. This was the only place he ever felt comfortable. The forest, a place he grew fond of in his younger years. Him and his friend used to come here to explore and just have fun, it had also been a place that calmed even the worst of his anxieties.

With a sigh Jack stood up and walked to his backpack. Unzipping it he took out a little box that he opened revealing a small stack of pictures. Flipping through the pictures he smiled reminiscing all the wonderful times. As Jack continued to flip through them he came across one that made him stop. It was one of him and an old friend he desperately wished to see again, Caesar. It was an unusual friendship, a human and an ape but they made it work. Jack would vent out his frustrations to Ceasar who would listen and try his best give advise and comfort him. Ceasar wasn't as open as Jack was with his feelings, he kept them inside until near the end when he finally started to open up. Jack glad his friend was starting to he open up but he wasn't prepared for what the future held next.

Ceasar started to become more cold towards Will, Coraline and even Jack. This really upset Jack but he let his friend have some space. One day he woke up and Ceasar was gone, taken from him. He was furious at Will but he knew there wasn't much the man could do, he was just as powerless as Jack. The world didn't see Caesar as a creature with a complex mind, instead they saw him as a savage, an animal. Multiple times Jack had visited Ceasar, evertime he saw him he looked more and more different so that's when he decided to try to bust him out on day. Unfortunately however, he got caught and was banned from ever seeing his friend in that stupid business, it didn't deture him though. He tried everything he could but he was just a small and weak kid back then.

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