Tsunderikita SS V2

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The sound of a bird's chirp from my phone slowly reached my ears.


It was time to wake up. I looked at the clock that was hanged on the wall while I was getting out of bed. I woke up as usual. The habit that the body had developed can't be forgotten. This habit hasn't changed since I entered this school.

With the exception of some special circumstances that made me go to bed late, I have always woken up at 6 am.

Sakayanagi: Fufu, isn't that quite impressive.

After that, I slightly arranged my appearance and started preparing breakfast.

Although I don't have much appetite, I've been eating three meals a day, as a result, I've balanced my nutrition, to the extent of living a life of having a good diet.

Sudo: As expected of Suzune!

After that, I left the room at 8 o'clock to go to school.

The sequence of actions up to this point has not changed since elementary school.

Randoms: Oof, isn't that really boring?

--Originally, it should've been like this.

The former me went to school alone, studied alone, ate lunch alone, returned home alone.

Sakayanagi: Former huh? You're a changed woman is what you're saying? Fufu, I wonder whoooo could have done that.

Horikita: hm, I don't quite understand what you're getting at?

This is me –Horikita Suzune's life, and at the same time, my nature.

The pitiful gazes that come from the surroundings considering me as a solitary person are just meddlesome.

No, even an explanation such as meddlesome is wrong.

I can accomplish whatever I do.

Be it studies or sports, I have the confidence that I'm superior to my peers.

And more importantly, it's impossible for me to trust other people.

Kouenji: My my Horikita-Girl, isn't thinking like that, quite arrogant, or what do you call it, narcissistic?

Randoms: Says YOU!

Kouenji: But of course, a perfect existence such as myself is perfect you see, while Horikita-girl is not.

Randoms: Damn Narcissist.

At first, everybody displayed a good attitude in order to approach me, but they would immediately leave. So I naturally distanced myself from other people. As a result, I never perceived loneliness nor inconvenience.

Class D: Horikita...

Horikita: Don't worry, this was at the beginning of the last year, I trust you all now.

That's why this situation will inevitably continue. But recently, this has started to change.

Class D: !!!!

Inside me, the tempo of my life has started to change quietly.

I feel that the time I spend being alone has been reducing.

Sudog:( Could this about me?) Poor guy, I don't know why I'm crushing his hopes and dreams.

I know what's causing this.

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