thirty three - timing

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Kadens pov.

As I sit down in the waiting room chair, I stare at the doctor with fear and regret in my eyes.

The grief comes over me.

The tears come down my face like waterfalls again.

It seems like all I've been doing is crying. Honestly, I don't know how there's any water left in my body because I'm sure I have cried over an ocean full of water.

The relief feeling came over me as soon as I saw Stormi.

She was alive.

My babygirl was alive.

It's all my fault why she is in this situation to begin with.

Why couldn't I just keep her with me?

Because I'm a dumbass and I thought keeping her away would keep her safe but instead it brought her into the arms of who's after her.

The Dr touches my arm and brings me back to reality out of my thoughts.

I watch as he runs his hand through his white hair before fixing his glasses.

"Mr.Hernandez, I am Dr.Crawford. Who are you to her?"

"Her boyfriend."

"Does she have any family you could call?"

I scruff. "If she had any other family, don't you think they would be here?"

I look around the empty waiting room before narrowing my eyes at him again.

He gives me a little nod before taking a step back. "Ms.Madden was in really bad shape when you brought her in.... Is Ms.Madden a frequent drug user?" His voice is nervous as he talks.

I instantly stand up and grab the collar of his white coat and bend my head down to his.

"Stormi isn't a drug user. For you to sit here and accuse her of such a thing---"

I'm cut off by him putting his hands up. Fear is clear in his brown eyes as he starts at me.

"I'm not accusing her of anything. She has a strong level of heroin in her system and a ton of holes in both her arms."

I release my grip on his shirt and sit back down. I feel really lightheaded as the words float around in my head.


There's absolutely no way Stormi is an addict.

Not on heroin atleast.

She definitely is on her iced coffees and running her hands through my hair like I'm a fucking dog.

But I would of known if she was doing drugs.



That mother fucker was giving Stormi heroin?!

I'm going to fucking kill him in the worst way possible.

How did I not see her arms?

Probably because my main focus was on her angelic face.

"She doesn't do drugs. She was kidnapped so they must of given her them." I admit running my hands over my face.

"Has the police been informed?" Dr.Crawford ask.

I nod and wave my hand around about that question before tensing up as I stare at him.

"What shape is Stormi in?"

He clears his throat before sitting beside me.

How professional.

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