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present !

⸺MARIA HARGREEVES IS AN INTERESTING PERSON. She was bought by Sir Reginald Hargreeves along with seven other children. There is Luther the Space boy, Diego the Kraken, Allison the Rumor, Klaus the Seance, Five the Boy, Ben the Horror, Vanya the White Violin and Maria the Ghost.

She was never officially adopted like the others, so in a way, she isn't Maria Hargreeves, she's just Maria. The way Reginald Hargreeves saw it was that he figured that if he ever needed bait or a sacrifice, he would use her. He didn't have any legal documents made of her, it's like she's a ghost.

When Maria was younger, she got along well with everyone. Especially Ben. Those two were inseparable and were almost always together. They even shared a room. A few weeks after Ben Hargreeves died, she moved out and went down a terrible spiral. She started robbing places and using her powers to insure she wouldn't get caught. On one misty April night, Maria decided that she would rob a local bank. She had become very cocky and thought she could get away with it without using her powers. She was wrong. She got caught and was sentenced fifteen years in prison.

Maria made a promise to herself not to use her powers unless necessary. She had made a name for herself while she was in prison, making everyone scared of her. She had been put in maximum security due to her countless escape plans. She never succeeded but she had gotten very close many times.

She's rotting away one day in her cell when Officer Brodie comes into her cell. "Hargreeves, get your things. You've been bailed out."

She gathers her things and gets lead out to the outside of the prison to be met with a very familiar face. "Allison?"

Allison runs over to her and gives her the biggest hug she had ever given in her life. "Maria, I'm sorry but...I came to bail you out because you deserve to be at the funeral. Dad died."

Maria looked at Allison with shock and a little bit of happiness. Reginald Hargreeves always treated her like she was dirt. He mentally hurt the other kids by training them to be weapons, but he would physically hurt her. He would always push her past her limits when they trained, making her faint sometimes and even having her cough up blood. She had spent many many days of her life in the infirmary in their home.

As far as she was concerned, Reginald Hargreeves wasn't her father. He was her demon.

⁕    ⁕

They drove to their old childhood home. They were the first ones there and Maria took Allison and her things to their rooms since they would be staying there for a little while. Maria came into the lobby and saw Vanya. Vanya looked at Maria with a look of shock and sympathy. "Oh...Maria, you're here. Last I heard you were in prison...I-I'm glad you got out though. How long has it been?"

"Ten years...it's good to see you though." Maria responded with a very bland tone.

"Yeah, you too." Vanya replied in a small voice, seeing that Maria wasn't fully in the mood to socialize. Suddenly, another familiar face came into the lobby. Diego. "Ah. What is she doing here? You don't belong here, not after what you did."

Diego walked right passed the three girls and Maria stood there very confused. Allison turned her head to Diego. "Way to dress for the occasion by the way."

Diego looked as though he was wearing something out of a spy movie. Not something that any normal person would wear. Then again, Diego was not a normal person.

"At least I'm wearing black." He walked up the stairs, not looking back which made Maria a little upset. Other than Ben, she got along with him very well. For about two years, those two were inseparable and he didn't even acknowledge her. Her thoughts were then interrupted by Vanya. "You know what? I...Maybe he's right...And I shouldn't-"

"Forget about him." Allison always had a way of comforting people, but she just didn't have the best timing. Maria wasn't surprised that Vanya was still as insecure as she used to be and so far everyone is basically the same except for Maria. Maria smiled a bit before saying, "We're glad you're here."

⁕  ⁕

past !

Grace walked up to Sir Reginald Hargreeves door and knocked with the children behind her. "The children are ready for bed sir. They wanted to say goodnight."

He ignored them all and all of their faces fell. "Come along now. You're father is busy."

Allison's face had a numb look as the others walked away. "He's always busy."

Sir Reginald Hargreeves looked up and Maria stopped when she heard Sir Reginald Hargreeves say, "Come in here please, Number 0."

Maria walked into his office and stood there with a blank look on her face. "Do you know why I call you all by your numbers or even why you have numbers?" 

Maria shook her head while Sir Reginald Hargreeves wrote on a piece of paper '0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7.' "Look at all of these numbers except for zero. Notice anything?"

Maria shook her head in confusion. "They all have points. When you write out the numbers, there is an end on each and everyone of them, where it starts and ends. On the number zero there is no point. I assigned you all numbers based on how powerful you are. Number 1 is the weakest and Number 7 is the strongest. "

Maria was a bit confused as to how Vanya was the strongest since she was ordinary. "You are number 0 because number zero has no point, it just goes on and on, circling around. There is no point on that number, so it can never stop, therefore it being infinite. You are Number 0 because your power is infinite. Always remember that."

Maria walked out of Sir Reginald's office in confusion but there was one thing she knew for sure. She would always have that quote stuck in the back of her head for the rest of her life.

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