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Kim Y/n

Today's the wedding of my sister, even though it hurts me seeing them get married, I have to accept the fact that I'm not the one "Hey you ready?" Sara asked entering my room as I get my purse and stood up "Yeah...ready" I uttered, as we got out of my apartment.

Making our way, where my sister was "Here we are" Sara uttered, I looked up, and saw the place where my sister was, as we entered the small house "You came!" My sister uttered, as she hugged me, I hugged back "Of course, it's my sister's special day" I said looking at her "Now don't scrub your face in my dress or it'll ruin your beautiful make up" I said to her as she giggled.

"Fine, fine" She said breaking the hug between us "Make her beautiful" I said to the artist, as they nod, and started to do her make up, hours as passed and they already finished doing all the things for her, me and Sara looked at my sister, and she was like an falling angel.

A tear drop right in my eyes "Y-You're beautiful" I said my sister and immediately hugged "Unnie your ruining the make up" She jokingly said, I giggled "Fine I'll stop" I said as I looked at my phone, and it's time for her wedding.

"Let's go! We can't keep the groom waiting~" I teased as she laughed "Let's go!" She said as me and Sara held the tail of her gown, as we ran off, letting her get inside the car that we rented, as I get inside with her as Sara get inside her car.

"You nervous?" I asked my sister as I held her both hands "A little" She said, smiling at me "It's fine to be nervous" I said to her, holding her hands tightly "Unnie..." "Yes?" I answered "Nevermind" She said "What is it? Tell me? Is there a problem?" I asked her "You'll now it later" She said as she smiled, I looked at her confused, until she said that we already arrived.

"We're here!" She said as I looked around, she was right, I got off first, and helped her get off with her gown, as she clings into my arms, while the staff helped us to fix the tail of her gown, as I put my hands above hers, as the bell of the church ranged, and the huge door infront of us opened slowly, as we saw a pink petal falling down in the carpet.

One by one, people's are walking slowly, as we waited until the last, as he face was covered because of the veil she was using "You're gorgeous" I uttered to my sister holding her hand tightly "You said it already earlier Unnie" She said chuckling "I know" I said to her patting her hand, as I smiled.

That's when it's our turn to walk inside the chapel, "Congrats my lovely sister" I said to congratulated her "Thank you" She said, as we already arrived infront, before I pass my sister's hand to my ex "Please take care of my sister more than you did to me" I smiled bitterly, he nodded "Sure" He said as I passed my sister's hand to him.

After passing my sister's hand I back off, and go to my seat which was beside Sara in the first row "I accept the fact that it wasn't me" I said to Sara, as I watched them with a pitiful face "Yeah...you really are" She said as I smiled "I'm just kidding with my look" I joked as I laughed silently.

"It's started" I said as me and the crowed went silent when the priest talked "Bang Christopher Chan, Do you take Kim Ae-Cha...to be your lawfully wedded wife?, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do it apart?" The Priest asked him.

Bang Chan

"Bang Christopher Chan, Do you take Kim Ae-Cha...to be your lawfully wedded wife?, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do it apart?" The Priest asked me.

"I...." I paused as I remembered the plan we did, I looked at Ae-Cha's eyes, as she hold my hands tightly and smiled, even though I can't clearly saw her face because of the veil, but I can feel what she's talking about.

"I....No..." I answered, as the people around us, gasped, and started to gossip "Good job" Ae-Cha muttered "B-but–" the priest asked being shocked too "I'd like to apologise...." "This wedding had some kind of misunderstanding" I uttered loudly enough for all of them to hear me.

"I, Bang Christopher Chan...was not agreeing having an marriage with Kim Ae-Cha...Please stop thinking some nonsense first, there's something we needed to explain" I said going down, as I walked near Y/n.

"Yes!" "And we'd plan this last night... He confessed" My soon to be wife said "He confessed that he had a past with my sister, but before he said it, I already got the news" "But then I realized that...since he saw my sister on the day I let them meet, he was gazing all the time since that day" She confessed.

"And that's when I realized that he still love my sister, and my sister still love him...and I can't say no to the two people's loving each other" "It's hard to break the love bond between them" She said "Sister..." Y/n said "Ae-Cha stop" Y/n suddenly stopped her.

"Chan tell her..." Ae-Cha said before Y/n said anything "I still love you..." I confessed "N-No...maybe there's some mistake here" She said "No there's not..." I said to her as I held her both hands "You said it already Chan..." she said.

"Yes! Because I'm confused...." "I'm still confused about my feelings for you" "Since you left me without any reason..." "But since I said to your sister that we had a past...she confessed that you're having a bad time..." "That's why you broke up with me" I said to her.

"But after hearing the story...it changed...I suddenly understand why, I want get back with you...Kim
Y/n" "Can i? " I asked her, "I'm a jerk Chan..." She said "In my eyes you're not anymore" I said to her "Will you accept me again then?" She asked "I always will" I said as I hugged her tightly.

Kim Y/n

That's when we heard some clappings around us "Well...since you two are in 6 years relationship....how about you two get married" My sister suggested "B-But–" She cutted me off.

"No buts~" She said as someone clings into me, I looked beside me and saw Sara dragging me "People give us a moment please, thank you" My sister said, as we got out of the chapel, and immediately get back where my sister got dressed.

To Be Continue

Welp...this chapter is so long~

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