
Start from the beginning

Right now he couldn't see that girl past the woman that lay on the bed on the same position he found her in in that traphouse. He couldn't see his Jordan all he could see is the pain and grief she left behind. He didn't even know if he could talk to her right now.

"Tari'q" Jordan called out. Her  voice was no longer sweet and soft. It was now gruff and raspy as if talking caused her pain.

"I need to talk to you" Tari'q breathed out. He looked every where else but at her. He couldn't bring himself to it. He couldn't even call her by her name cause the person he was looking at is no where near the person that gave him his beautiful daughter.

Jordan just rolled her eyes but slowly sat up anyway. She hoped that if she could act interested in what he had to say then maybe he would get her a fix. She hadn't gotten one in two days she could feel herself going into withdrawal which hurt like a bitch.

"I need you to get your shit together cause I can't keep doing this with you. All this picking you up in fucking alleys and trap houses bullshit gotta stop man. That ain't the life I'm tryna live and it shouldn't be what you tryna do either"

"Nobody asked to go get me Ri'q. I was perfectly fine. You did that cause you always wanna be Captain Save-A-Hoe. I'm not who you should be saving. I'm good the way I am" she said. She could barely even keep her head up but she had the guts to deny the help that she obviously needs.

"Don't tell me that shit bruh cause you don't see yourself. You couldn't even get up. You was the only female there. Motherfuckers coulda had they way with you in that damn place. You think I like seeing you vulnerable like that? No I don't"

Never in his life has Tari'q met someone as ungrateful as Jordan. He constantly did things for her that he didn't have to do. He didn't want a thank you he just wanted his daughter's mother to actually be a mother. At this point all Jordan had ever been to Ari is a egg donor and an incubator.

"I'm not tryna be a savour to you. I just want you to get your life back together that's all I'm asking" he pleaded with her. He looked at her directly in the eyes and couldn't place the feeling he got from them. It almost felt like nothing.

"What do you get outa me getting my life together?" She rolled her eyes.

"It's not about me. It's about you getting yourself together to be the mother that you never was to your daughter"

"Tari'q" she sighed out. This is how she always got when her daughter was brought up. She's always been quick to talk about she is not ready to be a mother.

"This time you gonna listen to me and what I got to say. My daughter needs her mother in her life. I'm not asking you for much but to be there for her-"

"I'm not ready for that" she cut him off. For a second Tari'q looked at her felt the same emotions that Dior felt towards her but he knew that if he let that take over he wouldn't get any where.

"Four years and you still saying that old shit" he waved her off. This same old fake ass story was really starting to get old.

"You think I was ready when we found out you was pregnant? I was young as hell too but I made sure that you was good. I did every thing you told me to. I got you everything you wanted from me. I made sure you was good your whole pregnancy even when you didn't want me to. I always did what was best for you but you couldn't even stick around for two months after your daughter was born" he could feel himself get emotional but he's cried enough tears for Jordan and those days were far behind him.

"You only ever held her once. You hated my daughter that much you couldn't even look at her"

"I don't hate her and I never did" she tried to explain.

No One Else (Dior Johnson)Where stories live. Discover now