Chapter 46: Rita's Seed of Evil

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"Yeah, right. Next time I won't miss their head." Skull says. Kimberly then walks over to their plant. As we carefully stand back up as I looked at Bulk and Skull mad after what they try to do to Lily and I.

"100% pure baby plastic tree. 19.95...Yeah, you guys are really ahead of us, not." Kimberly says as I laugh with the others. Bulk rolls the plant away.

"I thought I told you to pull off the tags." Bulk says to Skull.

"I knew I forgot something." Skull says as he backs away from Bulk. Bulk tries to get Skull but Skull keeps dodging away. As Bulk turns around, someone splashes paint all over him and we start laughing.

"Would you watch what you're doing?" This guy asks in back of Skull.

"That is the closest he's ever gonna get to to having a green thumb." Zack says. After we leave them, we head on to the park with our supplies to plant the trees at the park.

"Guys, this is the place where we can plan trees." Jason says as we stop.

"My special fertilizer should enhance the growing process." Billy says.

"I hope it works." Lily says.

"I think it will." I said.

"Very impressive, Billy." Trini says.

"Alright you guys, let's find a spot and do it. Over here?" Kimberly says as we find a nice spot to plant our trees in. It was a lot of fun planting. I would love to do that in my backyard.

"Good work, you guys." Trini says after we were done.

"It was really fun." Lily said.

"They look so cute." Kimberly says.

"It's hard to believe huge trees start out as little things like that." Jason says.

"Hey, man, even you were a baby once." Zack says as him and Jason playfully hit each other.

"We all were." I said.

"Hey, we should go get some fresh water." Billy says.

"I'm up for that." Lily and I said.

"Yeah, let's go." Jason says as we start making our way to get more water.

"And we're doing something to make the world a better place." Trini says as we continue walking.

"Yeah, you're right." Lily says happily.

"It's really a great thing that we're doing." I said smirking a bit.

"Hey you guys. We're having a movie night tonight if you guys wanna come." I say to them with Lily jumping up and down in excitement.

"At your house?" Kimberly asks.

"Yeah." Lily answers.

"You know I'm in." Jason says as he takes my hand in his.

"Cool. What movie are we watching and put no romantic comedy type of thing." Zack says.

"So you guys will come?" Lily ask them.

"What's the movie and I'll think about it." Zack says.

"It's something about the Last Dragon." I said.

"Berry Gordy's the last Dragon? I love that movie. Yo, I'm in." Zack says.

"Looks like we're going over to Scarlett and Lily's tonight." Kimberly says.

"Hey, guys, look up ahead." Jason says as we stop as he points up ahead. I see Squat near our plants.

"It's Squatt." Trini says.

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