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Reid's POV
I wake up feeling even worse, I hear the shower turn off and I curl into a smaller ball. After about 10 minutes Aaron comes out dressed and sees I'm awake. He sits on the bed next to me and runs his hand through my hair and rests it on my face. I turn my face into his hand and he asks "how do you feel?"
I mumble "shitty".
He smiles a little and feels my forehead and says "you're burning up. I think you should stay here".
I frown and say "Aaron please".
I know I don't need his approval but I want it, he sighs and says "okay, I'm making you take a few days off form work when we get back if you are still sick." I nod and he adds, "go take a hot shower, it'll feel nice".
I sit up with a little help from him and say "okay". I take a shower and change in the bathroom before heading out because I feel like I'm gonna puke whenever I bend over and I don't want to make him more worried. Once I'm dressed I don't bother with my hair as I sit against the wall. I close my eyes and try to feel a little better, it doesn't work so I just stand and head out.
He looks worried but doesn't say anything, we hug and he whispers "oh spence". He rubs my back and says "let's go".
I say "okay" and we walk out hand and hand, we are the first ones to the lobby. We sit on a couch and I lean into his side and lay my head on his chest and close my eyes. He has one arm around me and holds me closer and mumbles sweet nothings to me. He stops and kisses my head when the team starts arriving, but I don't open my eyes or sit up.
I hear JJ ask "how is he?"
Aaron says quietly "not good".
Emily asks "is he asleep?"
Aaron talks quietly and tells her "no".
I say just loud enough for them to hear, "I wish".
Morgan laughs and Rossi joins us and asks "is Reid sleeping?"
I mumble "fuck you" and everyone laughs. Aaron says "come on Spence we have to go".
I nod and stand up, we drive to the station and I fall asleep in the front seat even though the station is only a 10 minute drive away. Aaron wakes me up with a sad look and we head in. The sheriff joins us in the conference room as we review bits of the profile, I half listen.
Garcia types quietly on the couch and Morgan asks us "how are these victims connected?"
No one knows and I say "weakness".
Emily asks "what do you mean?"
I sigh and say "the first victim had a sprained ankle, the second victim was recovering from a cold, and the third victim had seizures often". When no one speaks I say "I had Garcia look up medical records but I didn't realize until I say the ME report just now."
Rossi says "okay, but how do we track down this guy, he's sending emails every five minutes for an hour before he kills them".
Garcia says "I've been trying to track it but he's bounced it off too many counties, but if he uses them in the same order again I'll know".
Around 12:00 a.m. Garcia gets a location and finds the unsub. Everyone rushes for vests because it's an hour drive, but about 45 minutes with sirens.
Aaron tells me to stay here and I nod, once the sheriff is out of the room he kisses my head and says "rest".
I say "okay, be safe".
He nods and says "okay" and then leaves. Garcia and I sit alone at the table and we fill them in on our unsub, once we hang up I try to keep awake.
Garcia says "go sleep".
I shake my head and say "I'm fine". She frowns but let's me be, we wait for them to call but I fall asleep before they get the chance. I'm woken up to a hand rubbing my back and I smile a little bit when I smell Aaron's cologne. I asks him "how was it?"
He shrugs and says "the usual, we took him into custody....how do you feel?"
I feel his hand move to my forehead and I tell him "worse".
He frowns and says "your temperature keeps going up".
I nod and say "I'd believe you if I wasn't freezing".
He says "relax, we're gonna pack up now." He drapes his jacket over me and I thank him, they pack and occasionally someone will check on me. Garcia shoos Aaron back to me after a bit and he sits with me, he pushes my hair out of my face and he asks "are you still cold?" I nod and he says "okay" he glances at the team and says "we're gonna leave soon". When we finally leave the station it's 1:40 and we quickly grab out things from the hotel before heading to the jet. I curl up on the couch and he sits in the chair closest to me, he chats with Rossi, Garcia, and Morgan and I watch him has he talks, I have to blankets on and I'm still shivering. Aaron finds me an other blanket and I manage to drift asleep. I wake up from a wave of sickness, I squeeze my eyes shut and focus on my breathing. I hear Aaron ask in a soft voice "are you okay?"
I shake my head a little and gasp out "no".
He nods and says "okay spence, let me help you". He slowly helps me sit up and I grip his arm tightly as he guides me to the bathroom. Once the door is closed I lean against the wall and sink to the floor and sit in front of the toilet. He kneels next to me and quietly watches me, I close my eyes and try to breathe but it doesn't work. I can feel the little I ate today coming up so I lean forward. Finally it comes up and Aaron pulls my hair back for me, he says quietly "it's okay spence, it's okay". When I finish I'm exhausted and cold, I lean against him and he kisses my head. He whispers sweet nothings to me to help calm me down, when I'm calmer he lifts me up and carries me back to the couch. Aaron tucks me under the three blankets and I snuggle under, he sits on the floor next to the couch. He rests his chin on the couch and strokes my cheek as we stare in each other's eyes, I drift to sleep again with the last thing I see being his beautiful eyes.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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