Because You Have Strict Parents

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Lisa had already tried on a multitude of outfits. She tried on sundresses, plain t-shirts, and even the latest fashion trends but nothing seemed to work.

“This is so dumb!” she shouted at no one in particular.

“Dude, chill. It’s just a party, Lis. You’ve never cared this much about a party.” Jisoo replied aimlessly while scrolling on her phone.

“I know, but Chaeyoung’s gonna be there. I need to look better than I normally do without looking like I’m trying too hard and with something that fits ‘bonfire chic’.”

Jisoo was still fixated on her phone, barely acknowledging what Lisa had said.

Lisa rolled her eyes and picked up a pillow, flinging it at her best friend, “Are you even listening to me?”

Jisoo turned off her phone and set it on the desk before getting up and walking over to Lisa and her mountain of clothes.

“Just wear a flannel” Jisoo said while grabbing a white shirt and pair of black shorts.

“Flannels are like the ‘symbol’ of fall, aren’t they? It’ll totally fit in”, Jisoo added in hope that Lisa would just pick an outfit.

Lisa seemed to be in deep thought.

“You always pick out flannels but, it would really fit in with the whole bonfire thing. And the shorts would make my legs look fantastic… I guess the midget can pick a proper outfit every now and then.” Lisa said cockily.

Jisoo smacked her arm, “Shut up. Flannels make everything look good. Now, I’m going outside so you can change. I don’t want to see anymore then I already have.”


The two brunettes pulled onto the street in Jisoo’s jeep, parking on the side of the road since there were no other parking spots near the house.

“I can’t believe this many people are already here” Lisa commented.

“Well, you did take years to find an outfit. Plus, it’s the back-to-school party. Of course it’s gonna be packed” Jisoo noted.

They continued to make their way towards the two-story house, walking through the fence and up the steps.

“Oh my gosh, babe. You made it!” Jennie exclaimed when they walked in the door.

Lisa rolled her eyes and Jisoo chuckled, “Of course I made it. Why would I ever miss my girlfriend’s big back-to-school party with a bunch of people I don’t like?”

Now it was Jennie’s turn to roll her eyes, “Shut up, you love secretly parties.”

“I secretly don’t. I just love you.” Jisoo smirked.

Jennie leaned in to kiss Jisoo, clutching her by the waist and pulling her in.

“Oookay, I need to be a bit more intoxicated if I’m gonna have to watch you two make out” Lisa stated.

She headed over to the kitchen to grab a drink. Between the tons of alcohol laid out, she opted for a beer and decided to try and find a certain blonde that peaked her interest.

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