"Yes" she peeled an eye open to look at me.

"What time is your class starting?"


"Okay good, that means you can sweep both rooms before leaving" I said. " And I didn't finish my tea so you can add to it, there's bread on the table in the other room"

"Okay" she replied shutting her eyes to sleep.

"If you like sleep through the whole day and miss your class. I'm going" I said before stepping out of the room.

The air was slightly cold and the sky was slowly getting brighter, I clutched my jacket closer to me when a small wind hit my frame. A few people were on the street; some on their way to work like me and others opening their shops for the day ahead. I made a quick stop at the mallam's shop two houses away from my apartment to buy a bottle of coke in order to break my 500 naira note into smaller denominations.

There were only three keke maruwas (tricycle) lined up by the side of the road when I got out of my street. Three men were standing in a group next to one of the kekes talking amongst their selves. I assumed they were the drivers of the kekes, one of the men who was dressed in a white singlet and a faded blue, three quarter jeans looked up and saw me approaching.

"Enter that one" he pointed to the second Keke. "Hold your change o. Work just start and I no get change" (work just started and I don't have change)

I entered the tricycle and sat patiently waiting for the three other people who would fill up the keke.

I watched as the sky brightened and the sun sat proudly in the sky, it's rays warming up the environment, more people poured out unto the road. Five minutes later, two people joined me in the keke, leaving space for one more person in the back before we could leave.

The YouTube video Uju talked talked about popped back into my head and I pulled out my phone from my bag along with my earpiece. I plugged the earpiece in and tapped on the YouTube video link.

Another Lagos Vlog (Surprising Ending). The title read.

I couldn't begin to watch the entire video because it was about fifteen minutes long so I just skipped till a few minutes to the ending as the Uju instructed.

A black slide appeared with ascending words appeared on the screen: So, I forgot to turn off my camera after filming and this happened...

Okay. I was at the right part of the video.

My eyebrows creased in confusion as the said video played.

Why did the room look so familiar? It was so weirdly familiar.

A surprised gasp with a tinge of horror escaped my lips as the video progressed and I realized what was going on.  I quicky turned the screen of my phone off because the guy sitting next to me was peering into my phone.

The room in the video was Yinka's room and the girl dancing in the room was indeed me. I remembered the day vividly; I was done with my work for the day and had changed out of my uniform. I had gone into Yinka's room with his freshly washed laundry, to fold and keep them in their rightful place. I had my earpiece tucked in my ears and an upbeat music came up on the radio which prompted me to dance. More like wiggling my little bum than dancing.

You know those songs that just have 'mad' beats that when heard especially when you're using headphones, you can't help but dance. It was one of those songs, even though I couldn't remember what song it was now but then it was just too irresistible.

The questions on my mind were 'What was a video of the dance doing on YouTube?'. Why was it filmed in the first place? He even added an upbeat song to the video, making it look like I was dancing to the sound.


I marched straight to Yinka's room not bothering to change into my uniform. He was the one who uploaded the video to YouTube which was plausible since I was in his room and no one else could've videotaped it.

The camera equipment I saw on his reading table the other day now made complete sense to me. He had a YouTube channel and was quite famous; after all he was a singer.

I barged into his room without knocking, at this very moment I was completely fuming so being polite was far from my mind.

Yinka was lying, propped up on his bed, his back leaning on the head board with his legs resting on the bed and crossed at his ankles. He had a black journal and a pen in his hand.

He looked up at me, taken aback by the abrupt entry into his room. "What the hell? I could've been naked, you know"

"Thank God, you're not" I retorted.
He was wearing a big black T-shirt which he folded slightly at the arms and a black Nike joggers with white strips running from down the sides of the joggers.

I tossed my phone on his bed and crossed my arms over my chest. "Explain?"

"What?" he replied, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"That" I pointed to my phone screen where the video was playing.

He picked up the phone and glanced at the screen. "Oh this"

"Oh this? Did you just say 'oh this'?" I asked incredulously

"What is 'oh this' doing on your YouTube channel, matter of fact why does 'oh this' even exist?" I said with my hands akimbo. "Wait, do you vide--"

"No no no. Don't even flatter yourself" he interjected getting up from his bed. "I was going to making a vlog for YouTube that day, then I got distracted by my mom. I forgot to turn off the camera and that's how I was able to get the video" he explained

"Let's say I believe you for a second" I said returning my hands to the front of my chest. "Why is the video on your YouTube channel and not deleted like it should've been?"

"Because it's funny" he stated as a matter of fact.

I let out a humourless laugh and then made a straight face. "Well, it's not funny to me. That's invasion of privacy so please take it down"

"Why the hell would I do that? It has a lot of views" he looked at me like I said the most inconceivable thing.

"Does this face look like it cares?" I said making a circular motion around my face with my index finger.

"You better watch your tone with me" he warned walking up to me. We were so close that we were almost touching. "One would think that you're the boss and not the other way around"

"Which makes it weird that you would post a video of your maid on your YouTube channel" I stated unfazed by the closeness.

We had a mini stare down that lasted for a couple of minutes before he backed away.

"I'm not taking it down" he said with finality in his tone.

"What?" I said in disbelief. "If you don't want me to march down that hall to your parent's room and tell them that you uploaded a video of me on your channel without my knowledge, then I kindly suggest you reconsider" I said with my chin jutted out in defiance.

"You make it sound like you were naked in the video" He scoffed.

"I don't care... That is not the representation I want of myself to the world"

"What representation?" He looked lost. " You mean twerking? Other girls post twerking videos of their selves, it's not a big deal"

"Well, I'm not 'other girls'. Now do you want me to--" I pointed to his door.

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'll take it down"

"Take it down in my presence, please" I persisted

He gritted his teeth in annoyance and then marched over to his reading table where his laptop was sitting and a few minutes later, the video became unavailable.

"Thank you" I said with a smile of victory on my face before heading for the door.

"Oh and I apologise for the attitude" I inputted before walking out of his room.

I may have been upset but I still wanted to keep my Job.

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