Bus ride

10 3 0

You wake up and gather your stuff for the beach the boys don't know that we will be also going to a museum so you have to bring extra clothes

You walk to school and you see Yams walking by

Oh heyyyy good morning he says

Hiii  good morning I'm kinda nervous

Oh why

I just hate wearing swim suits

Oh I'm sure you look great

Thank you

You guys walk to school

So has tsukki talked to you

Oh no not really why

Oh okay nothing just wondering

You hear foot sets approaching you

You turn around and see it's tsukki

Tsukkkiii hiii says yams

Hey guys

You guys arrive at school and walk up to the bus

Hi we're here you tell the captain

Oh hey guys glad you could make it

We're just missing coach

Hi (y/n) you want to sit with me says yatchi

Oh yeah sure you say smiling

30 minutes goes by

Ugh okay tsukki hey (y/n) you want to switch seats tsukki is being grumpy

Oh umm

You look at yatchi
Yeah it's fine(yatchi)
uhh okay but if he's grumpy I don't want to be with him either

It's fine he won't be grumpy as much with you


You take your stuff and walk to the back where tsukki was

What do you want shorty

Nothing salty I'm going to bed
You fall asleep for 30 minutes

~Time skip~

After that you wake up and see that we stopped for snacks

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

After that you wake up and see that we stopped for snacks

Oh hey (y/n) Yama and tsukki said there going to bring you snacks they didn't want to wake you up

Oh okay thank you for telling me

You see that tsukki left his phone on the bus

And he's wallpaper is a dinosaur.

You give out a small giggle

Aww that's cute

You see Yama and tsukki come back so you pretend to go to sleep

Wow she's still sleeping (tsukki)

Huh ...oh yeah she is (yatchi)

Tsukki you should place her on the window seat (Yama)

Ok (tsukki)

He grabs you and sets you to the next seat

You pretend to wake up some minutes later

Oh umm how did I get here

I carried you (tsukki)

You were bothering me (tsukki)

Yeah whatever salty

You want some snacks (tsukki)

Oh umm sure thanks

Can we watch the movie together ?

Nope (tsukki)

Ugh whyyyy

Because I would have to rewind the whole thing so you could understand (tsukki)


Can we atleast watch something else together
You say while grabbing his chin to you

He sighs and tells you

Fine shorty

Yay thank youuuu

You watch the movie and eat some snacks

Okay guys we will be there in 25 minutes

Yay!!!! (Everyone)

The movie ends

Do you want to watch another one (tsukki)

Huh why are you crying (tsukki)

It was sad tsukki

He pats your head and says stop being a cry baby

Tsukkiii are you calling me your babyyy???

Eww no I didn't you clearly don't know how to use your ears

You punch him in the arm and stay stop it you stupid beanpole

He laughed and says I'm sorry

You decide to watch some vollyball videos on his phone but then he start falling asleep

Aww Yams look

Oh take a pic (Yama)

Oh yeah

You grab his phone and take a picture with tsukki sleeping

You decide to put it as his lockscreen

You put back the video and wake him up

Tsukki your sleeping

Well yeah because I'm tired

Minutes later and you arrive to the beach.

Hiiii I made this one shorter I'm sorry I just wanted a chapter of the in the car together 😏. K byeeee :)))

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