"Your make me nervous..." I whispered face still hidden he hand his hands down my spine giving me chills.

"Mhm I missed you" he whispered hugging me tight I relax in his touch "so much" he added

"I missed you...this is the first good sleep I've gotten in so long my body missed yours so much," I said he's smiled and peck my nose.

"I love you," he said cheeks pink I rub our noses together and kissed him softly.

"I love you too so much," I said and meant it with all my heart this man in front of me is the love of my life.

He held my face and looked into my eyes searching for something

"Yoongi," he said softly I smiled at him and booped his nose.

"Yes, my love? Are you hungry is it too early for cake?" I said he brushed my hair out of my face.

"Yoongi baby," he said again I blink at him he looks serious.

"Yeah?" I said

"A-Are...Are you still getting married?" He said I felt my heart drop and sat up he follows the blanket pooling around our waist.

"What?" I said even though I heard him he just moved to hold my hand intertwining our fingers.

"Are you still gonna marry Johnny?" He said

"J-Jimin I love you," I said he nodded.

"I know.." he mumbled

"P-Please don't marry h-him," he said looking down.

"Jimin I have too" I whispered he held my hand tighter then looked up eyes glossy.

"P-Please don't we can f-face this together we can go to the k-king and tell him about our love and s-show him I'm a good guy I'll take care of you and I'll l-love you and treat you right I'm not a rich p-prince but I promise to always be by your s-side and I'll work to get us nice things get you p-pretty clothes or a nice house I promise Yoongi just don't marry him please,"  he said and my heart fluttered butterflies battling in my stomach I grab his face and kiss him passionately.

I pull back and hold his face "Jimin listen to me I would trade my lifestyle in a heartbeat to be with you every day and bake bread and decorate cupcakes I would take off the crown and never put it back on if that meant I could be with you because I love you so much....but I'm trapped Jimin he has trapped me" I said he frowned and kissed me.

"We can talk to him together baby I'm not scared of him I'm more scared of losing you again that scares me so let's talk to the king," He said

"My love that won't work he will hurt you and your dad your friends even your home and he won't care and I can't let that happen to you," I said and held both his hands in mine as we sat on his bed still naked.

"Yoongi last night you said you wanted to be my boyfriend again you can't get married your wedding is tomorrow," he said I frowned.

"This wedding isn't real it's just on paper I told you Johnny is straight it means nothing all for show," I said he blinked at me.

"Marriage is a big thing Yoongi...I can't be with you if your married," he said I feel my heartbeat speed up and panic.

"No no my love it's okay we can still be together as a couple I'll be married to Johnny but my heart will belong to you I love you," I said

"I don't wanna be your secret Yoongi some dirty secret you keep like your embarrassed of me," he said trying to pull his hands away but I didn't let him.

"No that's not what I meant," I said looking into his eyes.

"Yoongi I would climb to the top of the palace and scream how much I love you I would face your dad for you would you do that for me?" He asked and I'm stupid because I hesitate so he took back his hands and stood up I panic.

"J-Jimin wait please it's complicated," I said I watched him put his clothes back on some underwear and pants.

"I love you Yoongi but please figure out what you want," he said and put on a shirt I stood up sheets wrapped around me.

"W-Where are you going?" I said he signed and slipped on his boots.

"I don't have the heart to kick you out so I'll leave instead I'm going to Jungkook's to check on him you can stay here because I know Johnny will come to get you that's what fiancé do," he said I felt my heart drop.

"You're going to see him? What if he tries to kiss you again? Or what if you two have sex?" I said and immediately regretted it he looked at me and scoffed.

"Jungkook has been my best friend since I was a kid I won't let this get between us," he said and tried to leave I grabbed his hand to stop him.

"Don't leave please I'm sorry" I whispered he sighed and kissed my forehead.

"I'm not leaving baby I'm letting you get your shit together I'll wait for you by the willow tree tomorrow at noon and if you don't show up I'll know your answer I wanna be with you I wanna marry you I don't wanna be a secret," He said

"J-Jimin I-I need you," I said with tears he wiped them.

"Don't cry baby go home figure your life out speak for yourself don't let others decide your life for you go after what you want" he said and kissed my cheek and left out the door.

"I just want you Jimin" I whispered

I sob into my hands as I hear him leave


More jikook yes maybe no?

The end is near will it be yoonmin or jikook?

I'm trying to end this got a new fanfic idea!!

Another bottom yoongi story :))

Another bottom yoongi story :))

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.
to hold his hand -yoonmin- Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat