Chapter five

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September 4
Clary's P.O.V

I walk down stairs and find a note on the counter.

Had to go, see you after school.

I shug and get dressed. Today is Saturday so I have a date with Jace. I get dressed in jeans and a blue t-shirt, I throw a leather jacket over and put on my black sneakers. I'm eating a slice of toast when the I hear a knock on the door. I go and answer it and find a distressed Izzy there.

"What's wrong Izzy?"

"Jace is gone."
Emily's P.O.V

I wake up and remember last night. I yawn and get up. I pull on some capris and a white long sleeve shirt and a black vest with fax leopard fur lining. I start to walk to the kitchen to find Jace sitting at my counter. I start to scream but he jumps up and slams a hand over my mouth.

"Shhhh. I'll get caught." he removes his hand.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper yell at him. "You look like crap what happened?" I ask. And it was true. His shirt was ripped open and there was blood staining his hair and he had scraches all over his body.

"I got in a fight with Shaun."

"What the hell did you do?" I looked at him.

"Look in the closet." as he pointed to the closet under the stairs. I opened it and found a unconscious Shaun with a purple bruise on his cheek and what looked like a broken hand. I turned to Jace as he looked in the closet.

"Look I'm sorry. But he threatened Clary ok, and she's my world. Please forgive me."

"Fine, but what did he actually say?"

"How did you-"

"My brother would never threaten another Shadowhunter. Especially Clary since everyone knows she's dating you. So what did he actually say or do?" I said getting impatient tapping my foot and the wood.

"He said, I deserve Clary not you, you stupid Herondale. I hope you die so I can date Clary." Jace said looking to the ground.

"Bullshit." said my brother standing behind me. I spun around then looked at Jace. "Jace said that I'm stupid and I deserve to die for what my dad did. I deserve to take his punishment." my brother said shooting daggers at Jace. Jace returned them. They both turned at the same time and said. "Who do you believe Emily?" I looked at both of them. Jace was all golden and bright while my brother was dark and mysterious.

"I believe, No one."

"What?" they both said looking at me their eyes wide with shock.

"I believe you are both lying. Mostly because my brother has a tendency to twitch his right middle finger when he lies. And Jace is a Herondale and they tend to be untrustworthy. Also I heard you planning last night." I said looking at both of them, amused. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to find Clary." I do a flip over Jace and burst out the backdoor both of them calling my name.

Clary's P.O.V

I go down pricewater street still looking for Jace when I see Emily looking at me smiling. She comes up to me and explains everything to me as Jace rounds the corner with another boy beside him. She stands there a sly smile on her face. Jace is out of breath and so is the boy.

"Have fun." says Emily skipping away a mad grin on her face.

"My" the boy gets out between breaths. So that must me Shaun. He has black hair and violet eyes. It matches his pale skin and angular features.

"" says Jace also out of breath.

"I think I trust her more." Jace looked up in shock.

"You trust her and not me! Oh how could you?" a grin took over his face. Then they looked at each other then to me and burst out laughing. "Sorry babe."he walks over to me and kisses my head." It was a prank that got out of hand."

"At least now your not lying."

"For now."

Sucky ending I know but I needed to end it at least. Anyways, Emily finds a boyfriend next time. Luv u

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