Chapter 20 A Fragment of Memories

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Tae's POV

At Pha Nga Bay Island....
Nong Kit lead us to small shop,it's seem closed but when we are near to it, we heard people talkings inside.We opened the door and my tears starting to fall immediately seeing my Princess for real,hearing his soft voice that i missed so much, how he talked to the little kids and I noticed how his skin get darker and he look like he done so much work which makes my heart clenched with pain. My poor Princess...,he suffered so much while we didn't have any idea of him being alive.With so much money i have I neglected to conduct a DNA and investigate his accident..

I chuckled seeing how frustrated he is scolding the little girl for fighting her bully's and how he wonder where did the little girl got his attitude,its seems like she is mini me with her temper, i smirked to myself while tears kept falling..He immediately looked at us when he heard us and his face turned red with embarrassment.

He asked who we are and my heart broke down with the realization,a tears slipped in my face as he never recognized us and how he apologized telling us their shop still closed.While the little girl called N'Kit happily after recognizing him,Unable to hold my emotions I rushed to him and embraced him tightly calling my endearment to him and I felt him stiffened and tried to move but I can't let him go after feeling his familiar warmth and seeing him alive,i was holding him tightly while sobbing hard afraid he would disappear.

The little boy tried to pushed me away and hearing what he said I step back and stared at my Princess trembling body and looking paled as N'Thanu called him with his endearment after he step back far away from my grasp. He collapsed suddenly and we bring him to their house which gives me more pains seeing how my Princess lived for the past 10 years,I just sit there numbly while they are talking,shocked,relieved and hurting with the knowledge of my Princess suffering and having amnesia.I saw the little girl approached me with curiosity and i waited till she stop in front of me.

" Sawatdee name is Aira Mikelle but you can call me Rara...and Papa also called me Princess.." she said politely and wai to me after introducing herself and i waited patiently what she will do next,

" Are you really my Papa Father?.." i nod to her and she suddenly lunge to hug me which caught me off guard and my shoulder started to shakes with so much emotions while hugging her unable to believe her acceptance,

" I have a handsome Grandfather.." she whisper softly to me and i chuckled hearing it,she is sweet talker like Tee but her attitude is very similar to me.

" Thank you Little Princess..Thank you.." I kept saying while tears keep falling to my cheeks , i cupped her face then kiss her forehead unable to believe that I'm embracing her the little mini of my Princess,She is exact replica of his Father.

" Phi!!...come here.." She called and pulled his brother hand and make him stand infront of me after i let her go.

" Sawatdee ka.., I'm Aaron Thaddeus,I'm 5 minutes older than her.." he politely said to me and i hug him instantly and gently rubbing his back,their acceptance of me is not what I expected but it makes me happy,their maturity is beyond of their age,

" I'm Tae Darvid the Father of your Papa...I'm glad we found you all!..." i said with tears and i keep kissing their head, my shoulder is shaking with so much emotions.nothing can prepared me of this discovery's..They hug me back and kissed my cheeks before  little Thad moved to approach N'Thanu who look heartbroken watching us.Little Thaddeus hug  him after talking and little Rara go with them pouting of being out of place.I smile seeing her face that carbon copy of my Princess and the way she pouted is very much alike.

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