26 unread messages. All from Harry. I looked through all of them, most of them asking me if I was alright and if he did anything to me. Until one caught my eye.

Hazzabear: call the police.

Why didn't I think of that earlier?

I looked over at Eddie. Still sound asleep. I got out of bed, trying to not make too much movement, and immediately collapsed onto the floor. Ow. My legs hurt. I settled on crawling towards the door. Once I got to the door, I looked back over at Eddie. Still sleeping. I stood up on shaky legs and opened the door as quietly as I can, sneaking out of it and closing it without a sound. Ok. Now I gotta get down these stairs.


I held onto the railing tightly, as if my life depended on it, and took each step slowly, step-by-step. Every time it would make a creak, I would look back at Eddie's door and sigh of relief when I didn't see him open it. Once I got downstairs, I dialed the number on my phone.

"999, what's your emergency?"

"I'm living in the same house as a psychopath." I whispered, afraid he'll hear me.

"What has he done?"

"He's been abusing me for the past 2 days, and he even raped me. Please get over here."

"Ok ma'am. Address please?"

I gave her the address, then looked back at the stairs to see if he was coming.

"We'll send someone right over."

"Thank you."

I sat on the couch and waited for them to get here. In just a few minutes, I heard banging on the door.

"Police! Open up!"

I grinned widely. Eddie's gonna get what's coming to him. I heard the bedroom door open from upstairs. Shit. I quickly shot up from the couch and made my way over to the door as fast as I could. As soon as I was gonna get my hand on the doorknob, he appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

"Open that door, and you're gonna regret it." He threatened.

"No. You're going to prison." I smirked and opened the door, letting the police in.

"Alright where is he?" The policeman asked.

What the fuck? Do they not see him?

"He's right there." I said and pointed to Eddie.

They looked over at him and they furrowed their eyebrows.

"Harry?" The other policeman said.


"What?! No! That's--"

"Officers." Eddie cut me off. "She's done it again." Done what again? "I don't know why she keeps doing this. She's probably scared that I would do the same thing Eddie did to her. This is the 3rd time this month she's called the police on me."

What the fuck?!

"We thought something fishy was going on here. You don't hit women." One policeman said.

They're fucking buying this?!

"Never have, never will." Eddie lied. "Sorry to have wasted your time. I'm gonna have to have yet another talk with her."

I was so shocked, I couldn't even speak. One of the police officers chuckled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Don't worry darling. This man won't ever hurt you." He smiled reassuringly.

"Yeah. You're safe with him." The other one added.

I looked back over at Eddie and he had a smile on his face. Faker.

"Alright. Well we're gonna go now. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon Harry." One officer said.

"You too." Eddie said politely and shut the door once they were out.

Then he turned to me with anger in his eyes.

"Upstairs. Now."


:O :O :O :O :O


Well don't . I still wanna know what its like to have sex with the dark side of Harry . Drool .

Anyway , nothing really left to say , so here . -Lichellaw / NiallsNandos.

Bad Meets Evil -au. h.s.- [SEQUEL TO G.M.B] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now