9. When music plays

Start from the beginning


The lunch break was finally here.

Another girl at the cafeteria was throwing herself on Jungkook. She's definitely pretty, I can give her that. With long legs, long curly hair, slim waist and those eyelashes of hers.

If I was straight, I would definitely like such kind of attention from her. Of course, I could only dream of being straight and to have girls falling at my knees.

But Jungkook? Jungkook doesn't even look at her direction. That same polite half smile is on his face but his eyes are looking through the cafeteria, as if searching for someone.

I watch all of this just couple steps from outside the cafeteria, and I'm left confused. First of all - how can a straight guy not like it when a girl is literally throwing herself on him? Second of all - is that girl really that dumb for not seeing, that Jungkook doesn't give a single fuck about her existence?

Maybe she just doesn't value herself?

I just stand there and look at all of this. I know it's not nice to stare, but I have nothing else to do. Everyone else left with their own personal business.

I decide to walk out to the school's garden and sit on a bench until the bell rings and invites me back to class. Besides - I hoped that this feeling, that was starting to bubble up inside of me, would go away if I breathe some fresh air. It was similar to the anger I feel when I play piano but something was different...


Today is Friday which means that classes don't matter to anyone. Not even to the teachers. Some of them just tell us: just do something. Which means - that we can do whatever we want.

They probably also feel exhausted after a whole week of teaching.

That's not a problem to me, thought. We all have things to do. The news that some girl's parents left the town and left her alone in her whole house - spread fast. All around the school.

The girl, herself, didn't say anything and just rolled her eyes everytime anyone asked her about it. She didn't need to confirm anything as everyone already knew that it was true.

Without a doubt, she personality invited Jungkook, another couple of girls, a guy named Mark, but most importantly - Jungkook.

It wasn't hard to guess that the person she wanted to be there the most, was Jungkook.

Oh well, nothing I can do about it.

No one talked about it out loud, but everyone knew. In the evening. At the girl's house.

Of course, I wasn't invited (for obvious reasons). She didn't invite Hoseok either. But what surprised me, was the one and only, Jungkook himself:

"I don't know if I want to go. What do you think?"

I have to admit: I admired him. In secret, of course. The fact that he didn't leave me alone and that he cared about my opinion, made me like him even more.

Anyone else would've just laughed and mocked someone like me. To anyone else my problems would've stayed - my problems.

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