Chapter 6

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The sound of bird chipping can be heard. The sunlight slowly passed the window and hit the sleeping girl.

The black haired girl growl a little bit and turn to the other side.

The knock from the door can be heard and the sound of the door opening. You just ignored it since you only gave Lelouch the spare key of this room.

The girl can feel that someone is sitting on her bed.

Y/N just snuggle closer to her pillow making a certain brother of hers chuckles a little bit.

"N/N,wake up. We have to meet with third member today"Lelouch gently shake the girl. The girl slowly open her eyes while rubbing her eyes a little bit.

Lelouch just watch the moment with calm look on outside but he's fanboying inside his mind.

"Morning,Lulu-Nii"Lelouch snap out from his thoughts and gave a smile to the girl.


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Lelouch pat the sleepy sister of him. "I will cool breakfast for you so take plenty of time for your morning routine"

Y/N hum in answer while Lelouch get out from her room walking where the certain place aka the kitchen is so he can cook breakfast for his sister.

You do your morning routine while changing your clothes. The mint green eyed girl look at herself in the mirror.

"It's so so"Y/N muttered while looking at her uniform.

"It's so so"Y/N muttered while looking at her uniform

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(You can change the color of the uniform. You can imagine other if you don't like it)

Y/N take her sheathed katana that warp with cloth.

Walking where the dinning room was and immediately greeted with delicious smell from the breakfast that Lelouch made for you.

Lelouch noticed you and gave you a smile. "You just arrived in time. I just done cooking the breakfast"

Lelouch place the plate in front of you. Y/N slightly drool making Lelouch chuckles a little bit.

"I made fluffy pancake for you since you want to eat that for the morning"Y/N gave a thumb up to her brother while taking a bit of the fluffy pancake that Lelouch made for her.

Her mint green eyes sparkles a little bit and stuffing the remaining pancake while Lelouch look you with a satisfied smile.

Since the third heir practice cooking for his youngest sister and wanted to impress her.

It seems that his practicing results are good.

"Morning,Y/N-Chan! Lelouch-San!!!"The certain voice from the sunshine can be heard.

Y/N look where the voice was coming from. It was Itadori while Megumi is following beside the pink haired male.
Y/N nod in reply,muttering 'Morning' back to Yuji.

Lelouch growl a little bit in jealously since your attention went to the two other males instead of him.

"Y/N-Chan!Are you exicided to meet the third member?"Yuji ask to the mint green eyed girl.

Y/N take the last bite of her pancake. "Kinda"It was a short yet what Y/N would say in Lelouch mind.

The black haired girl walk where the kitchen was so she can wash the plates while the three males look at your back.

"Mine. Only mine"


Ayo. It's Author-Chan again. Seriously I love you guys so much. It's only four days passed and the views of this story is already 4k+.

I want to thank you guys about that and some video edits as a gift ❤️.

(Credit to the owners of this video below)

I am a little bit worried about this story since you know that wattpad made a new rule and this story have yandere scenes.

Someone please tell me more details if you guys know it since I'm afraid that wattpad might delete this book or worse my account 😞.

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