Chapter 1: Where it begun

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A Man ran fast past all the docters who were working there " Sir!! please don't run

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A Man ran fast past all the docters who were working there " Sir!! please don't run."  one of the docters yelled across the room, The man didn't stop he knew he was late. "301, 301, 301." He repeated over and over again " F/N over here!!" He turned his head back to see his friend pointing to the door numbered 301,  F/N slamed the door open scaring all the docter's inside that room.

" F/N you scared us!" A women Barked at him for being too loud, The baby in her hands started crying. "Sorry i paincked" F/N explained to the women,  She sighed and looked to her side " Don't worry, we have all been there." She smiled, she moved out the way " You might wanna see someone."  F/N looked and saw his wife. His eye's traveled down at her arms and saw a newborn baby. The baby was very tiny M/N had tears in her eye's looking at her and F/N also had tears. He went up and put his forehead on M/N's so they were touching

"She's so beautiful, what's her name?" The women asked. M/N thought for a bit then a beautiful name came to mind " Y/N " everyone looked at her "Her name is Y/N." They stared at her in awe " Y/N L/N i love that name." Said the Father. The women sat down next to the mother of Y/N "Look Miya a new friend." Miya's eye's open. His Green eye's stared at the baby in front of him, He reached to touch her. " Oh looks like he wants to hug her" She laughed, "How many months is he?" F/N asked "Oh Miya, he's about 5 months."

"Let me carry him, he might just want to be next to her." M/N suggested. The women carefully gave Miya to her. Now Miya is her left arm while Y/N is in her Right arm. Miya's Green eye's stared at Y/N like as if he wanted her to open her eye's. Just in the moment Y/N opened her Eye's and the First Thing she saw was Miya

He put a hand on her cheek, and smiled. Everyone looked at them in awe. Y/N's mother could see that this was a start of a unbreakable friendship. "Looks like Miya really like's her" The women smiled "Yeah i could see that they would be great friends" M/N said not taking her eye's off the two baby's in her hand.

⚬4 years later⚬

A young kid about four, walks to a house holding hands with his mother. She knocks on the door. the kid next to her beamed with excitement "You excited?" she asked. HE starts jumping up and down "Yup i can wait to see N/N!!" He Giggled, "Yup i can see." She laughed. The door started to open and they saw Y/N's Mother, and many toys around her. They go inside " M/N let me help you with cooking ok?" Miya's Mom asked, M/N looks like she didn't sleep all night because she didn't

"Ok, oh Miya Y/N is upstairs in her room ok?" She told him, He looked up at her and ran up stairs "OK!!" He yelled, Both women laughed to see Miya is excited to see Y/N just like always

Miya arrived to her room the door was closed but he tip toed to open it "Y/n?" He said looking around the room but he didn't see her, He kinda got sad but then her heard " MIYAAA" Y/N yelled she got off her bed and ran up to him and hugged him. Which made them both fall. They laughed it off and standed up " Miya wanna play house?" Y/N asked, He looked at her and said yes

✏︎Thank you for reading ✐

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