"Ye-ah. Just don't break me, I'm my mom's only," I manage to joke despite my growing fear. He instantly laughs at my words and nods, letting me know he heard me. He starts the bike with a push of a button, and slowly moves the vehicle into motion. The short ride to Sarah's feels longer than ever before. The wind and air rushing all around us makes it hard to hear and sometimes hard to breathe. When cars pass to our left, I realize that Carter is going slowly for me once again, but this time I'm thankful rather than apologetic for it.

Pulling into his garage, he cuts the engine, and the sudden silence is almost shocking. I try to lean back to give him room, but my whole body is still tense from holding on so tightly, that it doesn't allow me the option to change my position right away. He helps me down off the bike before getting off himself.

"So what'd you think?" he asks looking down at me, as I start to pull my hair loose, letting it fall down my back.

"It was fun," I answer, and he smiles.

"That's not very convincing," he accuses.

"No seriously, it was. I just think next time I'll be more relaxed," I assure, and he smiles bigger at my insinuation that there will be a next time.

We head inside, and I'm surprised by all the noise. Once we make our way through the kitchen, I see Sarah and her best friend, Jenny, sitting at the dining room table. It appears they're talking while watching Jesse and Jenny's son, Michael, playing in the pool through the sliding doors.

"Hey you two, what are you doing here?" Sarah asks as I follow Carter to the table.

"I went and picked Haley up on the bike, so we could finish that movie we started last night," he explains nonchalantly. Feeling my legs starting to relax, I notice they feel like Jello and I grab a seat next to Sarah before they give out on me. Following my lead, Carter takes the chair opposite me and next to Jenny. We spend the next half hour sitting and talking with them. When Mark walks in carrying two boxes of pizza, we all eat dinner around the kitchen island again. Eating at Sarah's is different than eating anywhere else. They have two dining tables, but every time I've been over for dinner, we usually stand around the kitchen island eating, with the exception of Thanksgiving. It's like no one likes to sit down and eat. Don't get me wrong, it suits me just fine. I often stand to eat at the kitchen counter or bar when I'm at home.

After eating and getting something to drink, Carter talks me into going back to his room to finish American History X. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to hang out with his family more often, but I get to see them more now than ever before, so I'm grateful for that. After he's opened the door and heads to turn on the tv and dvd player, I head straight for the side of the bed I've grown accustomed to, and sprawl out flat on my back, stretching my arms out over my head. It's the first time my whole body has a moment to fully relax after still fighting some of the residual tension from the motorcycle ride. When he turns around to make his way to the bed and he sees me, he instantly teases, "I think that's the first time I've ever seen you lay down and get comfortable here," he smiles, and I just shrug with a smile. I'm not sure but I think he likes that I've finally relaxed fully at his house. As the movie continues to play through some of the introduction scenes, he scribbles something down on a piece of paper and hands it to me, "Here, I wanted to give you this so next time you can just call my cell, and then I'll always get your calls and we won't have to rely on a message from someone else," he explains, and his words remind me of my overreaction just an hour ago.

"Ok thanks," I respond, knowing he already has my cell phone, and I suspect this will make communication between us run more smoothly.

We spend the next hour watching the rest of the movie. As it starts to get really good, and I'm getting really into it, we hear Jesse and Michael playing loudly in Jesse's room down the hall. When I ask Carter to turn up the tv, he does so, but then asks if I want him to close the door, and I agree.

Falling into SummerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora