Chapter 47| No Fight Left

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"Thanks." He muttered.

"You're dripping blood onto my carpet." He rolled his eyes. I don't even know why I said that, I hated the fucking crusty old carpet that Helen had picked out.

"Wait, why wasn't Neil following her?" I was going to kill that bastard if anything happened to my Princess.

"He was taking a call from his mother, got momentarily distracted and it also happened to be the exact moment that Kiara left the house. I found him wandering around the house aimlessly, trying to find her. Essentially, he lost her." Yep, he was so dead.

"I need you to track her cellphone. I know you have some sort of tracker on that thing, don't even lie because you had one on mine and we weren't even sleeping together." I gave him a sharp glare and that sat down at my computer, quickly logging onto the wide database I would use to track her.

"By the way, I killed Neil." I froze, slowly turning to look at him. He was smirking, leaning back against my wall.

Shrugging I went back to finding Kiara. "As long as you disposed of the body correctly, I don't care." One less job for me.

I found her location and pinpointed it to some old abandoned factory near her house.

Grabbing my key, we hopped into my car and drove straight to the location. Tristan was loading all the guns I had available and I was calling Rahul, informing him that I needed him on standby in case we needed back up.

I doubted it though. I was going in, getting what I wanted and then out.

"Should we call Ryder?" I shook my head, knowing he was the last person to help us. We were literally the two people he hated most in the world.

"He'd just do more bad than good and we need a swift recuse mission. Get in, get out. Kiara is the top priority. No matter what, she comes out of this unharmed."

"At least we agree on something." He muttered, climbing out of the car. We were both conveniently dressed in black and I had a bunch of hand guns in my boot which were perfect for this type of operation.

I glanced through one of the broken windows, only to see her. My Princess.

She was struggling against some burly hulk looking man, a sharp blade pressed against her neck. Her shirt was ripped slightly revealing her black bra and her eyes were filled with this raging anger, directed entirely at a blonde haired man who had his back to me.

"Found her," I whispered, and Tristan motioned for me to go forward whilst he snuck around the back.

I crept in, careful not to step on the crunchy glass below, and alert them of my presence. I counted four men in total, including the one with the knife.

We could do this. Four men, was an easy take out. The problem was...there had never been someone I care about in the equation.

Four armed men, add my Princess equaled complicated. I had never felt this vulnerable on a mission because there was so much at stake here. Kiara's life was everything to me, and right now it was being threatened.

I hid behind one of the beams, listening in to the man in charge's voice. I recognised it so clearly. Kane.

"...therefore Princess, I have no other choice but to kill you. I hope you understand." My feet were moving before I even registered it, and I found myself in the middle of it all.

My gun was pressed against Kane's head, my finger itching to pull the trigger but then I looked up.

Kiara's eyes were filled with this beautiful hope and relief, as she stared straight back at me. Her stunning brown doe eyes were piercing my very soul, cracking open my blackened heart that was now softly beating under her mere presence.

I wanted to hold her, hug her, kiss her but the sound of three guns being cocked and pointed my way brought me back to reality. I had three guns but only two hands.

I pressed the barrel hard again Kane's head. "Put the guns down, let the girl go and I will maybe consider letting your pussy ass leader go?"

None of them even dared to move, all eyes focused solely on their bastard of a leader, who had the nerve to smirk. "I don't think so,"

He snapped his fingers and a man emerged with Tristan, a gun held to his temple, just as I had Kane. "Wow, so I've got a gun to your head and you've got one to my man. So what? We're even."

"Not exactly." He muttered, and angled his head at the hulk. The hulk pressed the knife harsher against Kiara's throat, causing a small knick to form. Blood trickled down her neck, trailing between her cleavage.

I saw red.

Kane used my momentarily distraction to elbow me in the chest, causing the gun to clatter to the ground. He spun around and punch me straight in face. I stumbled back but launched my fist at his chest, aiming for his lung. He choked, and his men stepped forward.

The one holding Tristan lost his advantage and Tristan attacked, swinging his fists at the man's face. I dodged a leg, grabbing it and then twisting it around until I heard a snap.

Another pulled out his gun, whilst the other tried to punch me. I ducked just in time for the punch to hit the other guy, and then I grabbed the gun, and shot them both twice.

I reached into my pocket, pressed the button in my phone that would automatically send for help from Rahul. Kane looked shocked, and I smirked at the stench of fear he was emitting.

Tristan was still wrestling over the gun with the fifth but he had the upper hand and would soon win that battle. All I had to do was take out Kane.

Before I reach him, Kane whistled and suddenly six more man came barrelling into the building.

Four grabbed me, hauling me back so I was facing Kiara, hulk and Kane whilst the other three did the same to Tristan.

I tried to yank my arms back but they were too strong, overpowering my every move. It was a coward's play but effective.

"If you were a real man, you would let everyone else go and fight me with your bare hands."

He shrugged, walking back to my Princess, and trailing one of his slimy fingers down her cheek. "I don't care about masculinity, I care about winning."

I glanced over at Kiara. She was scarily quiet, obeying with every command given to her. Her face looked completely defeated, as she surrender her angelic body for Kane to touch, marring her with his greasy hands.

I wanted to scream at her, shout at her, beg her to fight back but I couldn't. All I could do was watch helplessly as my sweet Princess surrenders herself to the dark.

A/N: Finally Aaron and Tristan are reunited!!!

Thoughts on what's about to happen?

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