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I woke up to the feeling of Dan breathing near the the back of my neck, warm and quiet. Once he noticed that I was awake he ever so slightly kissed my forehead.

" You look beautiful in the morning."

" Thanks, but I-" I tried to get the words out but he interrupted.

" You're gorgeous Megan! Don't ever try to make me think any different. Now we have things to do today. First I was thinking we could head to the mall. Maybe even catch a film?"

"Sounds perfect, but I need to get ready." I rushed to my walk in closet and chose an outfit. I grabbed my muscle tee, and some high waisted shorts. I changed quickly, so I didn't keep his waiting. Then I jogged back from my closet fast to see Dan.

" Wow. You look good." He sat on my bed sporting a grin, and wearing khaki shorts, plus a burgundy sweater.

" You'll be hot. Don't you think?" I questioned.

" No problem I already am." He smirked. Then he placed his hands on his hips, and winked to me.

" Gosh, you are good at this." I rolled my eyes regarding his comment, but still half smiling.

" I guess it's my specialty." Dan shrugged. " Hey maybe we should get going, do you have everything you need?"

" Yup!" I smiled as I slung my purse over my shoulder.

" Good! We must get going then."

" One deal though, I get to drive!" I didn't really wait for an answer, so I just grabbed his keys, and ran. I reached the car quite fast, particularly because I love running. As soon as I made it to the car I hopped into the drivers side, and slammed the door shut. Dan hadn't even made it to the car before I was in it. He opened the passengers side panting, and sulking; knowing full well he had lost to me. "I beat you!" I squealed.

" You got a head start though!" He folded his arms.

" Oh quit being a sore loser! You're just upset since I beat you!" I managed to say mockingly, but I bursted out laughing near the end.

" I'm not!" He pouted, but he couldn't make out the words without having a mini laugh attack.

" Whatever." I rolled my eyes." Where are we going?"

" The mall." He grinned, and planted a slow kiss on my cheek before I drove off. Dan already made himself comfy by turning up the radio, and leaning back in his chair.

" Next stop the mall." I put on a half smile and drove off.

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